Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So... did I manage to write a novel in November?

As you may recall, last month I was aiming to write a 50,000 word novel. Did I accomplish that goal?



-the first two weeks I had no power/internet because of Sandy.

-I was working two jobs halfway through November. I quit Papa John's because I hated it and realized I will never again work for a large corporation. Independently owned businesses are the way to go people.

-I reached a breakthrough in the plot, but my computer crashed. Ironically, it crashed when I was laughing maniacally to myself, but the contents of that story are for my ears and my ears only.

-People said not to go back and edit... but I had to, for plot's sake. There were massive plot holes already, and my characters needed a better sense of direction.... so I had to edit this whole section involving a tunnel city out. I also had to take out a dragon... but I'll put him in as something different. Although he'll probably be evil... but that's still better than nothing, right? I also changed the setting a couple thousand words in which was... fun. So. Much. Fun. o_0

-I had this horrible sinus infection. I couldn't breathe through my nose at all, and got a horrible few nights sleep because of it and then I had this horrible headache that lasted a few days after that and I slept a lot basically.

-One of my co-workers lent me season six of Buffy, which is by far the best season. I couldn't stop watching it. I finished it in three days, and that's three days when I was working half that time.

Artist of this can be found here
-I suddenly remembered that time I bought Devil May Cry 4 back in October, and I didn't manage to progress further than Mission 1. I'm now proud to announce I recently beat the game, and am kind of confused as to why they're not continuing with Nero's storyline in DmC 5. Speaking from a writer's perspective, there's still a lot of potential. They didn't burn out all their resources. Also, I wish white haired demon hunters existed in real life. I mean look at that picture. LOOK AT IT. ARE YOU LOOKING AT IT.

Granted, I've only written 7,910/50,000 words. But you know what? That's way more than I would have ever written to begin with. I know that even though NaNo is over, and I didn't win, I at least got started on a story that I definitely want to finish (I'm already envisioning how it's all going to end... which isn't good cause I need that middle stuff too.)

I don't want to give away too much, because I don't like telling people about stories in my head that aren't fully formed, but it's almost like Alice in Wonderland, only completely different. What's been the real pain are the characters. Everytime I write a new character in, I feel like something's missing, until two days later when I realize what it is and have to change it. Oh, the pains of writing.


Also, just to remind you I've started fund raising for Mission Year, and the super cool thing about the month of December is that Mission Year will match whatever I make this month up to $2,000! Which is super awesome man! You can help support me by:
1. Going to be Etsy store and buying something. Everything goes directly to Mission Year. Can I afford to do it? For now I've had no problem, because people have been super awesome and have donated a ton of stuff to help me out. Access it by clicking here.
2. Or if you feel like donated directly to me, go to www.missionyear.org, go to the link that says "donate" and be sure to select my name from the drop box. It's not in alphabetical order, so it's sort of a pain, but it's near the top if that helps at all :)

Sorry for the long post, and the lack of posting lately. I've been super busy with a lot of things lately, so it might be a while until I post again. So have fun with your life and stuff until then people.

<3 Brittany

Sunday, October 28, 2012

NaNoWriMo (or rather, the month Brittany decides to undergo massive amounts of stress and sleepless nights and consume far more caffeine than the average human body should legally contain)

"The most regretful people on earth
are those who felt the call to creative work,
who felt their own creative power restive and uprising,
and gave to it neither power nor time.”
                                                       -----Excerpt from Mary Oliver's essay "Of Power and Time"

Ever since graduation, I've found I no longer have an affinity for playing the piano, or writing, or drinking coffee, or eating sweet things, or reading... or doing much of anything I used to enjoy. Why? Well, it's a mixture of things, and this is a blog, not a diary. Sorry I'm not an angsty hormonal teenager people.

"But Brittany, aren't you technically writing right now?"

I've written a lot of blogposts, 60% of which you will never read because I deleted them into the netherworld of Oblivion. Also, I don't categorize blogging with writing, or at least the way I blog (because plenty of my friends have blogs, and their writing is far more focused and "writer worthy").

So... where am I going with this? Well, long story short I stumbled across this contest called "NaNoWriMo" (stands for National November Writing Month) and basically, during the entire month of November, I will be attempting to start and finish a novel.

Can I do it? Heck, I don't know. I already have a sort of story in my head, and if I don't manage to change my mind yet again in the next couple of days it's probably going to be fairly nonsensical (if my story doesn't contain dragons in some way, shape or form, so help me. I will punch myself in the neck). Honestly, I don't even know if it's going to be worthy enough to brag about when November comes to a close. At this point, because of how long it's been since I've managed to write anything, I'd rather have written a crappy 50,000 word story then have written nothing at all.

So what I want to tell you other "artists" or "writers of words" or "creators of crafts", if you haven't created anything for a good long while, and are legitimately bothered by this fact day in and day out, do something about it. You're the only one preventing yourself from doing what you love to do. Sometimes words flow through your mind like electrical currents, and other times it's more like an electrical shortage. Figure out what helps words flow better, like listening to music, or napping. Naps are a big help. Especially when you feel you can't write anything and want to sob into the night.

Do what you love people, you other awesome creators you.

[Also, I'd like to thank my friend Bethany Fonda for sharing that quote from Mary Oliver with me when I saw her during homecoming weekend at Houghton College. Thanks lady dude! For you people who don't know, she's a pretty cool person who writes music and stuff, and you should totally check out her website by clicking here.]

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What I'm doing Fall 2013

When I was young, I would always make believe my bed (sometimes even the couch) was a giant boat about to sail off somewhere far away. The thing is, I had more fun packing my things in my purple caboodle, pretending I had less material wealth, than I did pretending I was sailing out into the world.

There's a part of me that always enjoys packing up my things and leaving somewhere. Granted, when I studied abroad in China it was somewhat of a pain only because I wasn't sure what to expect/pack... but there was something satisfying about traveling to the opposite ends of the earth with only the things on my back.

All this is to say, I wish I was traveling to some distant land - seeing new faces, experiencing new smells, eating food I would never find at home (milk tea how I miss you T_T), missing home for stupid reasons like sitting on the couch watching trash television like America's Next Top Model... you get the picture.

Am I ready to leave? Yes. I will always have this desire to leave home for some strange new environment. Not because I hate home, but because I want to expand how I view the world by expanding my world from just boring old Flemington to something so much bigger.

Am I going back to China? No. Probably not for a while. I haven't found an overseas program yet that seems to fit, so for now I'll just wait it out.

But what I'm really trying to get at here is another opportunity I came upon. It all happened when I started reading Shane Claiborne's "Irrisistable Revolution" (which if you haven't read, you should), and I went on his website to see if there were programs or something he gave the thumbs up on. The Simple Way was one group (located out in Philly) but they said if younger people were looking to sign up, they should probably check out Mission Year.

It's so peculiar, because I applied to a lot of different programs beginning from last semester senior year throughout summer. I never thought it would be so difficult just to do work with Americorps, or a similar program. But it was. And it was discouraging. Very discouraging. But when I was at my lowest point of the summer, that's when I found Mission Year, and realized how very much I wanted to sign up for it.

Anyways, in case you are wondering yes, I just found out last week that starting in Fall 2013 I will be working (if you can call it that, because I'm being funded for this, and "freeloading" carries a rather negative connotation) with Mission Year! I'm not sure about what city, but at this point I could really care less. I'm just truly thankful. For so much.

I wish I could tell you more, but for now I think it's best to wait until I have all the facts and THEN give you all the details. Consider this a sort of prologue? Maybe? That's weird. Don't call it that. Please. For my sake. Even though I told you to call it that and have all authority to go back and delete what I just wrote. Whatever man. You're the one still reading this.

Before I end this post, I think now would be a good time to mention two of my Houghton friends who will be going overseas in the near future and doing super cool things like saving the world and all that jazz. If you can, you should totally fund/pray for them! Every dollar counts. And even if you don't have money, prayer is just as helpful, if not more so.

First, there's Emily Rinehart who graduated a year before I did, and dang we had a lot of homework parties. A lot. And believe me, they were more like stress parties, or "Let's-see-what-weird-unnecessary-thing-we-can-make-off-of-stumbleupon" parties, or "Hey,-three-in-the-morning-is-always-a-good-time-to-start-playing-mario-kart" parties. She's working with One Mission Society,  and you should totally check out her blog and ways you can help her out by clicking here.

Then there's my other friend Chelsea Ellis, who I actually lived with in the same townhouse Junior and Senior year. Technically we were roommates during Mayterm in 2010... but on paper I had a single. (Ha. Whatever Houghton.) She's pretty crazy and awesome (mostly because one night, during a crazy all nighter stress party session at Emily's, I came back to my townhouse at four in the morning to find Chelsea strapping on roller blades. I mean, what else would you do at that hour). She's going to start traveling with the World Race this coming January, traveling to 11 countries in 11 months - so please check out her blog by clicking here. She also has an etsy account to help raise money by selling various kinds of jewelry which you can check out by clicking here.

Well, that's all I have for now. I'll be sure to update you about what's to come (and I'm sorry for this long post. It's annoying me there aren't more pictures, but the pictures I wanted to add weren't co-operating... so blame it on blogspot. Not me.) so for now I'll leave you with this:

You're welcome.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place

Remember that blogpost where I was ranting about how the future may be uncertain, but at least I'd be living with my friends?

Well, forget that.

Forget all of it.

You see, I still don't have enough money to live on my own. And although I tried desperately to find a job in Rochester, people either didn't get back to me, or told me they'd "call back". Right. So basically, I'm not living with my friends - I'm living at home for however long it takes for life to rewire itself.

What I'm trying to get at is, I'm not sure when my next blog post will be. Like I said, my life's at a weird moment right now, and my head's nowhere near a "blogging" mentality. My room's still a mess since I got back from college, and it doesn't help that - due to the largeness of my room- it has become a storage unit for my family. I'm also still in the process of finding a second job in NJ... and in an effort to have some sort of social life I've tried applying to various volunteer opportunities in my community... only to never hear back from people ever again. Which is nice. Whatever.

So until next time. Have fun with your life and stuffs people.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Origins of a Muse Fan

Alright, before I delve ANY further into my story, I need to get something off my chest.

I'm fairly certain allergy pills give me bizarre dreams.

For example, a few nights ago I dreamt I was Katniss Everdeen trying to lead a rebellion, but no one knew what I looked like. Before I could escape, the city I was in forced everyone onto a boat (why? I am the wrong person to ask). In order to hide my identity and leave at an appropriate moment, I allowed myself to be captured and herded with the others. Since I was captured willingly, I wasn't imprisoned like the others. Finally, as the time arose for me to make my escape, I realized first I had to find Batman (I mean, I'm pretty sure I would so this in real life so no surprise there). Then of course, when I went to the room where all the prisoners were sleeping, everyone happened to be dressed either as Spiderman or Batman - so it took me a while to find the real one. He wanted to keep his costume on because if people found out Bruce Wayne was on the boat, people would figure out his identity.

I can't remember if we made if off the boat, but I do remember packing earplugs in my Totoro backpack of escapedness.


With the release date of Muse's The 2nd Law looming ever nearer (It's based on the second law of thermodynamics. Click here to read up on it), and since I just pre-ordered their CD and received a free video download of their newest song Unsustainable (which might I add is splitting fans left and right. I didn't realize how many people hated change. Personally, I respect people's taste in music, but if you don't like it you don't have to listen to it people. It also happened when Muse released their song Survival- but what makes me love Muse even more is how they LIKE how they've stirred up such a commotion.) I figured now was an appropriate time for me to tell the tale in which I discovered Muse in quite an unorthodox manner.

Also, might I add that if this album makes enough people hate them, maybe they'll start performing at smaller venues. Haters gonna hate.

Alright. Enough nonsensicalness.

If you didn't already know, I am an introvert. College helped me come out of my shell, but before Houghton came into my life I honestly didn't have very many friends and was a bit of a loner. It didn't help that my highschool was massive (3,600 students),  and I didn't really know how to make new friends.

This meant I spent a lot of time playing videogames (Tales of Symphonia took up so much of my time. When I first got that game, I didn't bathe for 5 days straight. My dad threatened to hose me down. This of course was during Christmas break, so I never went to school like that. Cause that'd be gross.) as well as a majority of my time perusing the internet. I started reading manga online and watching various anime shows (I think a part of me still believes some asians are secretly super heroes in disguise), and one of these shows I watched and fell in love with was Last Exile. If you've never heard of it/watched it, please do so now. It's got airships people. Airships.

After I finished Last Exile, I felt like I had lost a friend. I didn't know what to do with myself. As any sane fan would do, I turned to watching AMV's (anime music videos. Don't judge me, because believe me I have judged my self countless numbers of times). Some AMV's were terribly made (I don't understand why so many people feel the need to synchronize anime clips with Linkin' Park).

Eventually I stumbled onto one video title "Malevolent Skies", and I enjoyed it immensely , mostly because I loved the song the creator used. It was Muse's "Stockholm Syndrome", and soon after I began listening to their music on YouTube... and the rest is history I guess.

Also, in case anyone is wondering, yes. Muse DID play at the closing ceremonies. However, NBC decided to hack them out of it, as well as some other performances. Believe me. I was/am outraged by this. What's even more unnerving is they were cut when the song they played, "Survival", was chosen as the theme of the London 2012 Olympics! Muse could fill up a stadium twice the size of the Olympics stadium if they wanted to. Judging by the clips I've managed to watch on YouTube before they were deleted for copyright infringement (which is understandable. I'm just outraged that NBC felt the need to censor something that was pre-recorded), their performance was awesome (My comment on the first video uploaded to YouTube, "NBC. Never have I held so much hatred within the depths of my soul. Until now." was actually the top comment with 17 likes before it was deleted into the abyss. So that was kind of nice knowing how many other homo sapiens were also harboring immense hatred within the depths of their hearts. Maybe I should start a group on Facebook).

Yes. Their performance had fire. But what do you expect? It's friggin' MUSE, of COURSE
there's going to be flames shooting out of the stage.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A 22-Year-Old's Zombie Survival Guide

There was a Walking Dead marathon this past weekend (during which a sweepstakes was held in which one could win a stagger on role as a zombie. Fingers crossed people.), and between commercial breaks they asked questions concerning zombies...

...which in turn inspired the following blog post which concerns REAL issues that could potentially/realistically occur.

So read on, and I apologize for my sudden obsession with zombies. I'm not even kidding.

It's just good to be mentally prepared, you know?

Ideal Base
If I had all options open to me, I'd want to live in a solar powered airship with a garden on board.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll find myself in a Final Fantasy universe or a movie from the mind of Miyazaki... so I'd have to say a lighthouse. It's a lookout tower, plus you could easily pick off the zombies as they come up the stairs. Lighthouses are also fairly difficult to climb, so they'd probably give up halfway. Also, its location makes it a prime candidate for feasibly escaping to the sea.

Weapon(s) of Choice
Ideally, the portal gun from the game Portal would be most excellent.

You could transport yourself, a friend, or a zombie to a different location. However, the portal gun isn't going to kill zombies (also, if we're going to be real here, it needs moon rock in order to function properly). That being said, I'd want the weapon Lightening uses in Final Fantasy XIII: the Blazefire Saber. It's useful for long range and short range because it's a sword and a gun in one. What is there not to like?!

Realistically though? I'd probably carry a sword, like a katana or something. It's quiet, so it won't attract other zombies. Plus, since it's bound to cut through more surface area than an axe you could theoretically hack through several zombie limbs at once. Although I'd also want to stock up on flares and grenades - anything to distract zombies from my location.

Let's face it, who wouldn't want to listen to some kind of playlist while slaughtering zombies? It's akin to listening to a workout playlist... except instead of annihilating the stairmaster you're annihilating what used to be human beings... but pffft minor details people.

Muse - Survival 
It's an entire song about fighting, and surviving. Muse telling me to survive is all I need to keep me going.

Super Junior - Sexy, Free, and Single
Technically, the song's about freedom (of zombies - in my head at least, I haven't read the translation yet)... and I mean I've been single for the past 22 years of my life and I doubt a zombie apocalypse is going to change anything. I'll embrace my singleness fully when the world falls apart.

That's all I really have for now. I swear this section's sole purpose wasn't to promote a new song by two groups I happen to like. Pffft. I would never do that. Ha.

Personally, I think five is a good number. It's not too small or too large, and you can easily fit in a car if need be. If characters from all realms/realities of fiction were at my disposal, my team of awesome-osity would be as follows:

Isaac Clark from Dead Space
I mean, the guy took on two games worth of necromorphs (with a third game on the way), and those things are far worse than zombies. Not only are they re-animated bodies, but they're re-animated bodies with extra limbs, acid, and horrible regenerative powers making it nigh-impossible to survive. Isaac is also a dependable human being, and wouldn't pull a Shane on me.

Toph Bei Fong from Avatar: The Last Airbender
How is she not an asset?!
1. She's an earthbender, meaning she can manipulate earth.
2. In Season 2 Episode 19, Toph learns how to bend metal.
3. By sensing vibrations in the ground, Toph can determine if enemies are nearby.
4. Using all the above abilities, she could create a base/fight off zombies/save the world.

(Granted, it would be much simpler if I were also an earth bender... but my time will come. Maybe.)

Lightening from Final Fantasy XIII
Lightening's my favorite protagonist out of all the Final Fantasy games I've played, and she knows how to kick serious butt. I would have chosen Cloud, but that guy's too emo, and I honestly don't know what a zombie outbreak would do to him mentally/emotionally.

The Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who
Let's be real here - if the Doctor were here, he'd figure out a way to revert the zombie outbreak.
Not only that, the dude's smart. He'd be the brains of our group/the Timelord who saves planet Earth yet again.

Unfortunately, it's highly unlikely that the zombie outbreak will occur within the recesses of my brain.

That being said, I'd probably want to stick with whatever family members were left, try to team up with various friends from Houghton, and you know if Muse happens to be around why not have them join my party? Specifically (I really hope this doesn't creep the following person out, if he's reading this), I'd want Cameron Thibault to be part of my central group. That kid can forage (A skill many people, including myself lack. The kid knows how to cook dandelions, people. Dandelions.), and he was part of my Highlander group before college (for those who don't know, Highlander is a 10 day hiking trip you can take as a freshman/transfer in the Adirondacks before classes start). Our group called him Chuck Norris - for good reason.

Sooo I'll end my blogpost with this: Cameron, if you're reading this, and a zombie outbreak happens, call/text/Facebook message/smoke signal me. Chelsea Ellis can also be part of our group if that would make you happy. Although the two of you recently divorced on Facebook, so that may or may not strain you emotionally.

To everyone else, pick your outfits carefully. Think to yourself, would I wear this during a zombie attack? Or even, do I feel comfortable not changing/bathing for the next couple of days in this? Keep a pack nearby, so you can stuff clothes in it if need be. Going to the supermarket? Bring an emergency backpack, and some zombie survival gear. Just in case.

Always be prepared people.


Monday, June 25, 2012

The Tale of Olean Girl

The following story occurred during my freshman year. I believe the girl's real name might have been Emily, but honestly I'm not sure. I think she transferred sometime during my sophomore year. At least, that's the last time me and my current roommate at the time Rachel creeped on her from the cafeteria.


Now the thing you need to know before I delve any further into this story, is that Houghton College is in the middle of nowhere. The nearest anything is 45 minutes away. It is a land of dollar generals and small family owned restaurants

In case you needed an illustration, the green dot is Houghton. The yellow dots are the nearest Walmarts.
The horizontal line is PA, and Canada is creeping in the top left corner.

It was sometime in the evening, and I got a call from my friend Lindsey about how her eye was bothering her, and she really needed to see a doctor. We went to the front desk of Gillette to ask if there was a nurse on campus. Since it was after 5 the health office was closed so we would have to drive all the way to the ER in Olean Hospital (40 minutes away). Since Lindsey couldn't see, I told her to wait in Gillette Lounge while I went to go get my car in the Fire Hall.

What is the Fire Hall you ask? Just a convenient parking lot which required one to trek for miles down the Winding Hill, past the Nerdy Boy's Dorm, over the Bridge of a Thousand Deaths, through the Mines of Moria, and cross the road of turmoil to reach it.

So there I was, looking both ways before I crossed the road, when I noticed there was a girl on the other side of the cross walk who apparently had just dropped her car off. When it was safe to cross, I began to walk, and we were just about to pass each other, when she called out to me.

Girl: "Are you going to Olean?"
(Please keep in mind the darkness- and the fact that there was no one else around. No one. Except maybe a cow a few fields away or something.)
Me (with a confused face): "Yes... why?"
Girl: "Well my phone recently broke and I really need a new one and I really need to go to Verizon."
Me (still confused): "Well, I have to take my friend to the ER-"
Girl (acting like this was a life or death situation): "It's ok! I can just drive with you and walk to the Verizon store myself! I won't be a hindrance at all!"
Me (wondering if she even heard me mention the ER at all in my previous response): "I don't really know, because my friend really needs to go to the ER and I don't know how long it will take or where Verizon is."
Girl (apparently oblivious to everyone's problems except her own): "That's alright! I don't care! I just really need a phone!"

After much back and forth chatter in which I tried not to outright say no because I thought it was obvious that, since my friend had to be taken to the ER all other problems were sort of insignificant at the moment... but this didn't seem to faze her and she essentially demanded I take her to Verizon. So I told her I was going to be driving my car back up to Gillette to pick my friend up, and to meet us there asap.

Then I did what any sane person would do. I made haste back to Gillette, found Lindsey, and told her we needed to get into my car as fast as possible. I then went up to the desk proctor, described this girl to her, and told her that if this girl showed up to let her know I really needed to get my friend to the ER and had to leave.

Lindsey and I left Gillette, got into my car, and I was just buckling myself in and turning on my lights... when I saw her enter the lounge, look at the desk proctor, and look out the window where my car was...

and I got the crap out of there.

Because there were a few things that occurred to me. The reason she was in the Fire Hall, wasn't because she was dropping off her car... she was looking for me, and knew where to look. Granted, the desk proctor probably told her someone was going to Olean, but I would rather believe she was lurking in the ceiling above our heads listening into our conversation.

Also, when someone puts the needs of a phone above the needs of a future ER patient, is that really the kind of stranger you want to welcome into your car? She would of had the perfect vantage point to murder us, or worse.

So the moral of the story is, if some strange girl you've never met before is demanding you take her to Verizon when you need to take your friend to the ER... just run. Run as far as you can, and don't ever look back.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Update! Blog name change!

After some thought... I've come to the decision that the name of my blog needs to change.

Last year, I created this blog figuring it was an easier way of recounting my travels in China with family and friends. I chose the name "Chasing Starlights" because it's based off of a Muse song, "Starlight", and I thought it sort of had a "traveling-esque" feel to it (also I'm obsessed with Muse, but minor details).

However, I've recently realized that every other person in the world also thought that naming their blog "Chasing Starlights" wouldn't be cliched at all.

Therefore, to avoid competing with the blogs of hormonal teenagers across the world... I've decided I'm changing the name of mine to "Delineations of a Dork".

I'll have an actual blog post soon. It's sort of hard to blog when, well, there's nothing to blog about. I've spent my entire week watching shows like "Bridezillas" and "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera". Nothing life changing there.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why, Paolini. Why. ; _ ;

You know what book I'm horribly disappointed by? Inheritance by Christopher Paolini (which I actually mentioned I was excited about a while back. Oh past Brittany, you clearly knew nothing). I mean, it's got friggin' DRAGONS. HOW can one mess that up?!

This is not a dragon from Paolini's universe. It's actually a dragon from the
Game of Thrones universe. Not like that's a show I watch. Pfff. No. Not this guy.

Well, in a variety of ways:

1.) Every interaction between all the characters feels forced, especially the love related ones. They make me want to gag. If Paolini's version of love was reality, humanity would have ended with the start of existence. Adam and Eve would have been the only humans. Ever.

2.) Paolini goes through a multitude of ways to make a passage as boring as possible. I don't want a whole chapter that describes Katrina washing laundry and Roran eating some boring stew. I want magic. MAGIC. And DRAGONS.

3.) When I'm reading something, and I fail to feel anything for a character when he/she dies... well. Maybe I'm not supposed to feel anything? Cause clearly said character is actually a robot, judging by their emotions and the emotions others share for him/her..

4.) The book is 849 pages long. I'm only on page 218. I'm not even halfway there, and I'm barely living on a prayer. I'm pretty sure if Paolini bothered to edit his book and take out all the filler (e.g. pages of walking through barracks, Eragon reading all the time, some minor character having a child for 20 pages which will probably contribute in no way shape or form to the overall plot of the book judging by past experience, the stew eating, etc.), his book would probably be closer to 200-300 pages. Unfortunately, he didn't. I guess that's what happens when your family owns a publishing company.

I don't understand. I remember being so absorbed into Eragon (the first book) that I wanted to be a Dragon Rider more than anything else in the world. I wanted Eragon to exist and be my friend. I wanted to live in Alagaesia. However, I did read that when I was 15, about the same time I read Twilight and liked it (Something I'm not proud of. Past Brittany. Good thing we are separated by time. Or I would punch your face in). I think that alone speaks volumes.

That being said, I'm taking a break from books right now. I feel like I'm overly cynical in regards to anything I read, and I'm aware of this while I'm reading, and therefore unable to comprehend/get into whatever it is I am reading. I blame this mostly on the classes I took for my English major, in which I was forced to read books I may or may not have liked (I'm mostly thinking of my seductive fictions class. You'd think that, with a title like that, the class would have been riveting. Well, if you find four hour documentaries that explicitly explain the process of photosynthesis exhilarating... then this class would have been perfect for you).

Instead, I've been filling up my time viewing shows I've been meaning to watch. I finished both seasons of The Walking Dead in 2.5 days. The writing in that show is awesome (meaning: "I felt so much emotion at the end of some episodes I had to take a break and watch something cute and furry on YouTube"). Also, I found out a season into it that my Mom has been a fan of the show since day one. WHO. AM. I. ; _ ;

Also (tangent), I recently started playing Dead Space 2, and thought it wasn't going to be scary in the slightest. I was horribly. Horribly. Wrong. My parents/brothers periodically come into my room to make sure I'm not dying, or being horribly devoured by a necromorph, because I keep screaming like the pansy little girl that I am.

Picture originally found here, because I can't draw.
Also, I'm a big fan of PewDiePie now. Mostly because I'm pretty sure
I would have the same reactions to horror games. Because I do.
I mean, if you happened to read Inheritance, and loved it, good for you. I'm just going to take a break from books, because I think good story lines and well developed characters can also be found in television and video games, two genres in which I haven't seen anyone horrendously butcher a storyline involving dragons. Yet.

Just, why Paolini. Why.  ; _ ;

Friday, June 1, 2012

99 Problems and Money is All of It.

So I just finished Mass Effect 2. May I just say that the ending of that game made me more stressed than finals week?! Basically at the end of the game, whatever actions you did previously determines whether or not certain members of your team die. I worked TOO hard and spent TOO much time on missions to gain their loyalty ONLY to have them just DIE in some CUTSCENE. AGH.

[In case you were wondering, no one died. Although I did scream at my game when Garrus was shot (not lethally), and for a moment I thought Tali was going to roll off a cliff, but my character managed to catch her in time. Phew.]

That being said, I need to buy Mass Effect 3. ASAP. (I've heard some people say it's an abomination. But I don't care. I'll make my own judgement. I've already come to terms with the fact that nothing will be as good as ME2. NOTHING.)

(Also, if you're interested, and haven't seen it yet, the trailer for ME3 can be found here. You'll notice I chose the trailer for the female Shepard, not the male one. Pfff. Like I'm gonna save the galaxy as a GUY.)

Potentially buying Mass Effect 3 brings me to my main point.

Money Issues 101

-What do Of Monsters and Men, JayMay, Regina Spektor, Mewithoutyou, Blood Red Shoes, Metric, and Silversun Pickups all have in common? They all thought it would be hilarious to release new music when the only way I can afford it is if I resorted to stealing. I can be a klepto sometimes (I've stolen a lot at Houghton. Weird crap man. Why? Because I could. Really. That is the ONLY reason) but I also believe in supporting bands.

-The past three years, I've worn the same pair of pajamas. Don't worry, I wash them frequently. But three years of constant wear will, well, wear them out. They're gross. I don't have to be scared of monsters at night, because I'm pretty sure they're scared of me.

-Right before I went to China, my mom bought me what are now my favorite pair of shoes. Well now I can't wear them when it's raining out. There is a massive hole in the bottom of each. In fact, this hole continues on through my socks. I also need socks.

-I need to visit my friends in western New York. I consider myself somewhat of an introvert, but that doesn't mean I don't like seeing people every once in a while.

-Asian food store. Thirty minutes from my house. I've mentioned it in a previous blog, but it needs to be known. I will get there. I will find a way. Ain't no mountain too high. River too wide. Valley to low. To keep me. From getting something with Mandarin characters written all over the packaging.

Now I realize my money problems are no where near as bad as other people's money problems, but let's get one thing straight: I hate money. I hate it with a passion. If I could burn all the money in the world in the fires of Mount Doom I would. It bothers me that, in order for me to do anything besides sit around all day, first I require money. I can't go to the library to get the second season of Buffy the Vampire slayer. It's obnoxious. Frick man.

One that note, I'm gonna go play Uncharted 3, which (by the way) practically gave me an anxiety attack last night cause there's this part where you have to escape a burning castle. There were too many close calls, dudeman. TOO MANY. It reminded me of the first time I saw Mission Impossible 4 in theatres and was so anxious during that scene where Tom Cruise is climbing that massively high building in Dubai that I almost threw up. It also didn't help that I was going through reverse culture shock at the time... but still. No movie has ever made me feel that way, and I hope no movie ever will again because I will die of a heart attack. You only die once, and I REFUSE to make my exit off this world in such a fashion.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Graduate they said. It will be fun they said.

Here are some things you should know about me presently:

1) Whenever I have to kill an insect, I wish the main theme from Skyrim would play in real life, and not just in my head.

2) I have no idea why I still use FireFox when it crashes on me constantly. I don't even have that many windows open. I have 3 tabs, FireFox. That's not even a lot. T_T

3) I still need to unpack. Which is difficult when, well, there's no where to put anything. It would probably help if I didn't have a bajillion books, but what can you do man. Sell them. Which is what I'm doing on Amazon currently.

4) There is an Asian food market 30 minutes from my house. I need to visit it in the hopes of getting somewhat authentic pre-heatable jaozi or baozi. However, because I have no money, I simply cry every night.

5) It boggles my mind when guys don't flush the toilet after they pee. I mean, you're staring at it. You are literally staring at your pee. How can you not remember to flush. It's not like the toilet requires a human sacrifice before flushing.

6) Usually, I don't ever remember my dreams. Now, I've been having some pretty trippy dreams. Like last night, I dreamt I was back at Houghton, but me and someone else (she kept morphing into each of my friends, so it was kind of confusing) found this secret passageway to another world similar to the world in Shadow of the Colossus, and met a girl with a giant pet lizard dragon (It was more lizard than it was dragon. If you had my dream you'd understand.) who was the guardian of that world, and we swore to never tell anyone about that place.

7) I wish people would quit asking me what I'm doing now. I basically sit at home in my sweatpants and a crappy t-shirt all day playing video games, watching television, drinking tea, watching K-Pop music videos, and trying to find jobs that won't kill me out of boredom.

I'm tempted to start answering their stupid question like this:

Example A
Person: So what are you doing now?
Me: I just woke up from a very long comatose state, and defeated a computer mainframe with the help of a gun that can create two portals.
Person: ...?
Me: Don't worry. Wheatley's in space now. Humanity is safe.

Example B:
Person: So how's life now that college is over?
Me: I'm now apparently a Dragonborn and recently defeated a frost troll on my way to the Greybeards.
Person: ... Really.
Me: Yea. Lydia was no help, but she's basically my pack mule and carries all the crap I find and hope to later sell. Maybe.

Example C:
Person: So have you found a job yet?
Me: I've created a crack in my wall in the hopes that the Doctor will find me. He will. HE EXISTS.

Maybe people will believe me.

I'll make them believe me.

Although to be honest I'm contemplating making Example C into a real life occurrence.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Goodbyes are the Worst

I hate saying goodbye. After commencement at Houghton College, I was stuck in this state of not knowing whether or not I should say goodbye, or just run as far as I could into the woods where I would never have to say goodbye to anyone ever again.

When I said bye to my study abroad group in China, I thought those would be the worst goodbyes I would ever have to give.

I was wrong.

There are no words I could use to describe the people I've met over the past four years, and you've all changed me in one way or another for the better, and I will miss all of you. Really.

Instead of blabbering on, I thought it'd be better to illustrate the past four years with pictures that appropriately capture my past four years at Houghton. Granted, not every moment with Houghton peoples was photographed, but these are some awesome moments / awesome people.

Sondra telling me the National Anthem was playing from my computer.

So freshman year, there were these girls in Lambein who made a "Hot Guy Wall", and I thought it was the stupidest thing in the world.  To retaliate, 3rd New made a "Hot Girl Wall", complete with super attractive photos of everyone who lived on our floor, as well as some of our friends.

Posing with our advent calendar we actually completely abandoned sometime after Dec. 5.

We had an alien party, and Signs may or may not have been involved.

Ryan went through a weird phase. And by that I mean he was acting like himself.

Rach and I censored the ANTM lounge reservation picture.

For said final we pulled an all nighter for, I slept 15 minutes during it,
managed to be the first one done, and still got an A.

I made an entire album on Facebook devoted to these horrible things. Blegh.

The dance party we had that resulted in us getting 2 complaints and a security guard to shut us down.

April Fool's Day freshman year. That's Rachel's bed.
I found a dead bat while cleaning, and asked Kate and Eva for a box to bury it in. Chelsea was there for moral support.

Highlander, pre-college. Agh.

: )

My friend Evan was the editor for the Drawing Board at Houghton, and I won the contest the DB had last year but unfortunately the sketches of myself (or whatever it is I would have won) were lost. So instead he creepily drew what I was wearing that Monday for a presentation in our class and decided not to tell me I was going to be the header for the Drawing Board on Thursday. I found out through Facebook, and had a major freak out moment.

I will miss this.

Last year I was always walking in on my house mates doing weird things. Here, they are working out to Richard Simmons.

This photo deserves a long caption. Here's what I wrote on Facebook:
"Funny story. So that dude, Tyler comes up and starts asking if we bought any CD's from his band, Rookie of the Year. We told him we were an hour late, and missed it. We continued to chat, Em Sach made up a handshake with him, I thumb wrestled him, and Lindsey and Em bought a CD from him. We asked him what his booking agent was, and he said he didn't know. He also told us we could check out his band's MySpace page, but he rarely visited it, but we could just go on his instead. So we got a picture with him. Well, later in the car, Emily Sacher opens up the newest CD, looks at the page with the band members, and Tyler is not there. He is not in the band. He was just a salesperson, and we felt like morons afterwards. I was up for driving back and punching his face in... but the plan didn't fall through."

No shave November. I believe Emma never realized I upgraded her poster of Beckham.

I drove all the way to NYC from Houghton for a concert I supposedly won a ticket for. Long story short, I was part of a mob and this is the only picture I managed to get of Matthew Bellamy.

Quidditch World Cup IV in NYC
A girl on our floor freshman year kept clogging the toilets with toilet paper. By clogging, I mean she used a roll and a half, and the toilet would be stuffed to the brim with toilet paper. We didn't understand why, and we all knew it was her. The creepy thing is, I don't think she realized SHE was doing it.

Now I'm going to go back to drowning out my sorrows with Dead Island, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect 2, Portal 2, and a bajillion other games on my PS3.

It sucks not living with your friends anymore.