Friday, June 1, 2012

99 Problems and Money is All of It.

So I just finished Mass Effect 2. May I just say that the ending of that game made me more stressed than finals week?! Basically at the end of the game, whatever actions you did previously determines whether or not certain members of your team die. I worked TOO hard and spent TOO much time on missions to gain their loyalty ONLY to have them just DIE in some CUTSCENE. AGH.

[In case you were wondering, no one died. Although I did scream at my game when Garrus was shot (not lethally), and for a moment I thought Tali was going to roll off a cliff, but my character managed to catch her in time. Phew.]

That being said, I need to buy Mass Effect 3. ASAP. (I've heard some people say it's an abomination. But I don't care. I'll make my own judgement. I've already come to terms with the fact that nothing will be as good as ME2. NOTHING.)

(Also, if you're interested, and haven't seen it yet, the trailer for ME3 can be found here. You'll notice I chose the trailer for the female Shepard, not the male one. Pfff. Like I'm gonna save the galaxy as a GUY.)

Potentially buying Mass Effect 3 brings me to my main point.

Money Issues 101

-What do Of Monsters and Men, JayMay, Regina Spektor, Mewithoutyou, Blood Red Shoes, Metric, and Silversun Pickups all have in common? They all thought it would be hilarious to release new music when the only way I can afford it is if I resorted to stealing. I can be a klepto sometimes (I've stolen a lot at Houghton. Weird crap man. Why? Because I could. Really. That is the ONLY reason) but I also believe in supporting bands.

-The past three years, I've worn the same pair of pajamas. Don't worry, I wash them frequently. But three years of constant wear will, well, wear them out. They're gross. I don't have to be scared of monsters at night, because I'm pretty sure they're scared of me.

-Right before I went to China, my mom bought me what are now my favorite pair of shoes. Well now I can't wear them when it's raining out. There is a massive hole in the bottom of each. In fact, this hole continues on through my socks. I also need socks.

-I need to visit my friends in western New York. I consider myself somewhat of an introvert, but that doesn't mean I don't like seeing people every once in a while.

-Asian food store. Thirty minutes from my house. I've mentioned it in a previous blog, but it needs to be known. I will get there. I will find a way. Ain't no mountain too high. River too wide. Valley to low. To keep me. From getting something with Mandarin characters written all over the packaging.

Now I realize my money problems are no where near as bad as other people's money problems, but let's get one thing straight: I hate money. I hate it with a passion. If I could burn all the money in the world in the fires of Mount Doom I would. It bothers me that, in order for me to do anything besides sit around all day, first I require money. I can't go to the library to get the second season of Buffy the Vampire slayer. It's obnoxious. Frick man.

One that note, I'm gonna go play Uncharted 3, which (by the way) practically gave me an anxiety attack last night cause there's this part where you have to escape a burning castle. There were too many close calls, dudeman. TOO MANY. It reminded me of the first time I saw Mission Impossible 4 in theatres and was so anxious during that scene where Tom Cruise is climbing that massively high building in Dubai that I almost threw up. It also didn't help that I was going through reverse culture shock at the time... but still. No movie has ever made me feel that way, and I hope no movie ever will again because I will die of a heart attack. You only die once, and I REFUSE to make my exit off this world in such a fashion.


  1. brittany,
    read a book

    perhaps "Brave New World" or "1984"

    or "The Biography of Jane Goodall"

    anything would be good for you intellect right now. I don't want you to get a job but not be able to work because video games/ movies have turned your brain into mush and made you lose your ability to function.

    Drink some tea/ coffee.

    Go for a walk.

    Make a book?


    Write poetry?

    Email me or write me a letter about something specifically in your home.

    your mother....

    1. Bahahahahaha. I've been drinking tea, but I can't drink coffee anymore (it makes me sick). And for your information video games can be very intellectually stimulating. Sometimes. All the time. Time.

      I might write you a letter about something in my home, just cause you asked for it.

      I will read 1984, I've been wanting to, but I need to wait a bit longer before reading a book. I just can't get into them right now. I DON'T KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE D:

      Your roommate...
      not your daughter.
      Unless my mom didn't tell me something.
