Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why, Paolini. Why. ; _ ;

You know what book I'm horribly disappointed by? Inheritance by Christopher Paolini (which I actually mentioned I was excited about a while back. Oh past Brittany, you clearly knew nothing). I mean, it's got friggin' DRAGONS. HOW can one mess that up?!

This is not a dragon from Paolini's universe. It's actually a dragon from the
Game of Thrones universe. Not like that's a show I watch. Pfff. No. Not this guy.

Well, in a variety of ways:

1.) Every interaction between all the characters feels forced, especially the love related ones. They make me want to gag. If Paolini's version of love was reality, humanity would have ended with the start of existence. Adam and Eve would have been the only humans. Ever.

2.) Paolini goes through a multitude of ways to make a passage as boring as possible. I don't want a whole chapter that describes Katrina washing laundry and Roran eating some boring stew. I want magic. MAGIC. And DRAGONS.

3.) When I'm reading something, and I fail to feel anything for a character when he/she dies... well. Maybe I'm not supposed to feel anything? Cause clearly said character is actually a robot, judging by their emotions and the emotions others share for him/her..

4.) The book is 849 pages long. I'm only on page 218. I'm not even halfway there, and I'm barely living on a prayer. I'm pretty sure if Paolini bothered to edit his book and take out all the filler (e.g. pages of walking through barracks, Eragon reading all the time, some minor character having a child for 20 pages which will probably contribute in no way shape or form to the overall plot of the book judging by past experience, the stew eating, etc.), his book would probably be closer to 200-300 pages. Unfortunately, he didn't. I guess that's what happens when your family owns a publishing company.

I don't understand. I remember being so absorbed into Eragon (the first book) that I wanted to be a Dragon Rider more than anything else in the world. I wanted Eragon to exist and be my friend. I wanted to live in Alagaesia. However, I did read that when I was 15, about the same time I read Twilight and liked it (Something I'm not proud of. Past Brittany. Good thing we are separated by time. Or I would punch your face in). I think that alone speaks volumes.

That being said, I'm taking a break from books right now. I feel like I'm overly cynical in regards to anything I read, and I'm aware of this while I'm reading, and therefore unable to comprehend/get into whatever it is I am reading. I blame this mostly on the classes I took for my English major, in which I was forced to read books I may or may not have liked (I'm mostly thinking of my seductive fictions class. You'd think that, with a title like that, the class would have been riveting. Well, if you find four hour documentaries that explicitly explain the process of photosynthesis exhilarating... then this class would have been perfect for you).

Instead, I've been filling up my time viewing shows I've been meaning to watch. I finished both seasons of The Walking Dead in 2.5 days. The writing in that show is awesome (meaning: "I felt so much emotion at the end of some episodes I had to take a break and watch something cute and furry on YouTube"). Also, I found out a season into it that my Mom has been a fan of the show since day one. WHO. AM. I. ; _ ;

Also (tangent), I recently started playing Dead Space 2, and thought it wasn't going to be scary in the slightest. I was horribly. Horribly. Wrong. My parents/brothers periodically come into my room to make sure I'm not dying, or being horribly devoured by a necromorph, because I keep screaming like the pansy little girl that I am.

Picture originally found here, because I can't draw.
Also, I'm a big fan of PewDiePie now. Mostly because I'm pretty sure
I would have the same reactions to horror games. Because I do.
I mean, if you happened to read Inheritance, and loved it, good for you. I'm just going to take a break from books, because I think good story lines and well developed characters can also be found in television and video games, two genres in which I haven't seen anyone horrendously butcher a storyline involving dragons. Yet.

Just, why Paolini. Why.  ; _ ;


  1. Yep. This is called a comment. It officially makes you aware that I`m watching. WATCHING. Not actually.
    To the point: now I guess I don't need to read "Inheritance" since you have critiqued it with such acumen. Thanks. t is disappointing though, right? Yeah. Ok, peace out. Ghana in like TEN DAYS. Ok 11.

    1. Oh stop it, you say "I'm watching" to everyone, don't you? Bahaha but Ghana! Exciting! But yea. If you're gonna take a book with you there, don't take Inheritance. Take something by someone who can actually write.
