Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place

Remember that blogpost where I was ranting about how the future may be uncertain, but at least I'd be living with my friends?

Well, forget that.

Forget all of it.

You see, I still don't have enough money to live on my own. And although I tried desperately to find a job in Rochester, people either didn't get back to me, or told me they'd "call back". Right. So basically, I'm not living with my friends - I'm living at home for however long it takes for life to rewire itself.

What I'm trying to get at is, I'm not sure when my next blog post will be. Like I said, my life's at a weird moment right now, and my head's nowhere near a "blogging" mentality. My room's still a mess since I got back from college, and it doesn't help that - due to the largeness of my room- it has become a storage unit for my family. I'm also still in the process of finding a second job in NJ... and in an effort to have some sort of social life I've tried applying to various volunteer opportunities in my community... only to never hear back from people ever again. Which is nice. Whatever.

So until next time. Have fun with your life and stuffs people.

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