Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Graduate they said. It will be fun they said.

Here are some things you should know about me presently:

1) Whenever I have to kill an insect, I wish the main theme from Skyrim would play in real life, and not just in my head.

2) I have no idea why I still use FireFox when it crashes on me constantly. I don't even have that many windows open. I have 3 tabs, FireFox. That's not even a lot. T_T

3) I still need to unpack. Which is difficult when, well, there's no where to put anything. It would probably help if I didn't have a bajillion books, but what can you do man. Sell them. Which is what I'm doing on Amazon currently.

4) There is an Asian food market 30 minutes from my house. I need to visit it in the hopes of getting somewhat authentic pre-heatable jaozi or baozi. However, because I have no money, I simply cry every night.

5) It boggles my mind when guys don't flush the toilet after they pee. I mean, you're staring at it. You are literally staring at your pee. How can you not remember to flush. It's not like the toilet requires a human sacrifice before flushing.

6) Usually, I don't ever remember my dreams. Now, I've been having some pretty trippy dreams. Like last night, I dreamt I was back at Houghton, but me and someone else (she kept morphing into each of my friends, so it was kind of confusing) found this secret passageway to another world similar to the world in Shadow of the Colossus, and met a girl with a giant pet lizard dragon (It was more lizard than it was dragon. If you had my dream you'd understand.) who was the guardian of that world, and we swore to never tell anyone about that place.

7) I wish people would quit asking me what I'm doing now. I basically sit at home in my sweatpants and a crappy t-shirt all day playing video games, watching television, drinking tea, watching K-Pop music videos, and trying to find jobs that won't kill me out of boredom.

I'm tempted to start answering their stupid question like this:

Example A
Person: So what are you doing now?
Me: I just woke up from a very long comatose state, and defeated a computer mainframe with the help of a gun that can create two portals.
Person: ...?
Me: Don't worry. Wheatley's in space now. Humanity is safe.

Example B:
Person: So how's life now that college is over?
Me: I'm now apparently a Dragonborn and recently defeated a frost troll on my way to the Greybeards.
Person: ... Really.
Me: Yea. Lydia was no help, but she's basically my pack mule and carries all the crap I find and hope to later sell. Maybe.

Example C:
Person: So have you found a job yet?
Me: I've created a crack in my wall in the hopes that the Doctor will find me. He will. HE EXISTS.

Maybe people will believe me.

I'll make them believe me.

Although to be honest I'm contemplating making Example C into a real life occurrence.


  1. Please keep writing things. Please keep using human sacrifice as comedic material. Oh my word, dying.

  2. Hahaha I'm not sure how many times I can make a reference to human sacrifice... but I'll try.

    YOu just keep proving your awesomeness. : )

  4. Ahhh... I love you, Brit! I wish I could come up with witty answers to life's annoying questions like you do... When people ask me how the job search is going I just ask "why? ...are you hiring!?" (like I'm all desperate at this ...but really I'm just here at home playing Sims 2 and Roller Coaster Tycoon 3...eatin' chips...watching tv...and wearing the same clothes for a week... I'm not sure Houghton prepared me for this kind of freedom. ;)
