Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Origins of a Muse Fan

Alright, before I delve ANY further into my story, I need to get something off my chest.

I'm fairly certain allergy pills give me bizarre dreams.

For example, a few nights ago I dreamt I was Katniss Everdeen trying to lead a rebellion, but no one knew what I looked like. Before I could escape, the city I was in forced everyone onto a boat (why? I am the wrong person to ask). In order to hide my identity and leave at an appropriate moment, I allowed myself to be captured and herded with the others. Since I was captured willingly, I wasn't imprisoned like the others. Finally, as the time arose for me to make my escape, I realized first I had to find Batman (I mean, I'm pretty sure I would so this in real life so no surprise there). Then of course, when I went to the room where all the prisoners were sleeping, everyone happened to be dressed either as Spiderman or Batman - so it took me a while to find the real one. He wanted to keep his costume on because if people found out Bruce Wayne was on the boat, people would figure out his identity.

I can't remember if we made if off the boat, but I do remember packing earplugs in my Totoro backpack of escapedness.


With the release date of Muse's The 2nd Law looming ever nearer (It's based on the second law of thermodynamics. Click here to read up on it), and since I just pre-ordered their CD and received a free video download of their newest song Unsustainable (which might I add is splitting fans left and right. I didn't realize how many people hated change. Personally, I respect people's taste in music, but if you don't like it you don't have to listen to it people. It also happened when Muse released their song Survival- but what makes me love Muse even more is how they LIKE how they've stirred up such a commotion.) I figured now was an appropriate time for me to tell the tale in which I discovered Muse in quite an unorthodox manner.

Also, might I add that if this album makes enough people hate them, maybe they'll start performing at smaller venues. Haters gonna hate.

Alright. Enough nonsensicalness.

If you didn't already know, I am an introvert. College helped me come out of my shell, but before Houghton came into my life I honestly didn't have very many friends and was a bit of a loner. It didn't help that my highschool was massive (3,600 students),  and I didn't really know how to make new friends.

This meant I spent a lot of time playing videogames (Tales of Symphonia took up so much of my time. When I first got that game, I didn't bathe for 5 days straight. My dad threatened to hose me down. This of course was during Christmas break, so I never went to school like that. Cause that'd be gross.) as well as a majority of my time perusing the internet. I started reading manga online and watching various anime shows (I think a part of me still believes some asians are secretly super heroes in disguise), and one of these shows I watched and fell in love with was Last Exile. If you've never heard of it/watched it, please do so now. It's got airships people. Airships.

After I finished Last Exile, I felt like I had lost a friend. I didn't know what to do with myself. As any sane fan would do, I turned to watching AMV's (anime music videos. Don't judge me, because believe me I have judged my self countless numbers of times). Some AMV's were terribly made (I don't understand why so many people feel the need to synchronize anime clips with Linkin' Park).

Eventually I stumbled onto one video title "Malevolent Skies", and I enjoyed it immensely , mostly because I loved the song the creator used. It was Muse's "Stockholm Syndrome", and soon after I began listening to their music on YouTube... and the rest is history I guess.

Also, in case anyone is wondering, yes. Muse DID play at the closing ceremonies. However, NBC decided to hack them out of it, as well as some other performances. Believe me. I was/am outraged by this. What's even more unnerving is they were cut when the song they played, "Survival", was chosen as the theme of the London 2012 Olympics! Muse could fill up a stadium twice the size of the Olympics stadium if they wanted to. Judging by the clips I've managed to watch on YouTube before they were deleted for copyright infringement (which is understandable. I'm just outraged that NBC felt the need to censor something that was pre-recorded), their performance was awesome (My comment on the first video uploaded to YouTube, "NBC. Never have I held so much hatred within the depths of my soul. Until now." was actually the top comment with 17 likes before it was deleted into the abyss. So that was kind of nice knowing how many other homo sapiens were also harboring immense hatred within the depths of their hearts. Maybe I should start a group on Facebook).

Yes. Their performance had fire. But what do you expect? It's friggin' MUSE, of COURSE
there's going to be flames shooting out of the stage.

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