Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Daleks and Zombies

But really. I don't understand.

And really, WHY IS IT STILL BLURRY. I EVEN DREW EYEBROWS. But can you see them? NOT REALLY. D:

For those of you who for realz don't understand anything I'm talking about, I'm referencing Doctor Who, and the Daleks. A Dalek is sort of like R2-D2, except it's been genetically altered to hate everything---programmed to literally "exterminate" everything. Basically, it's a robot Nazi. I mean the concept is cool, except I would just design them differently. Like a robot centipede. That would probably make me crap myself.

Also, they really don't say a whole lot, except for "EXTERMINATE" or "WE. ARE. THE. DALEEEEEEKKKSSS" in these really loud robot voices. In fact if these things were real, I think the only thing I would be scared about is the headache they would give me in real life as opposed to just watching them on Doctor Who.

In other news, don't read "The Dead-Tossed Waves". I know it was probably on your "MUST READ NOW" list, but it's like "Twilight" with zombies. By that I mean it's horribly written. The main character kept changing her mind about who she liked, and one second she likes this guy named Catcher right? And in the first 20 pages she gets to kiss him. But the thing is her and her friends went beyond the barrier that keeps the Mudo (aka ZOMBIE) out, so they could go climb a roller coaster. Well right after she kisses this Catcher dudeman, she hears some moaning which is the sounds of a Breaker, a super zombie, which basically proceeds to decimate everyone, and infects this Catcher dude. Well she manages to escape and crap, but then has to go back cause "she loves him". But on her way to see him in the dead of night, this kid Elias appears, saves her from some zombies, and suddenly she realizes the way his "body heat" feels as he stands near her reminds her of Catcher. She continues to hate/love/be indifferent towards Elias, then she convinces herself she loves Catcher, but also knows that things wouldn't work out him about to turn into a Zombie and all. But THEN there's ANOTHER guy named DANIEL whose presence she ALSO just HAPPENS to imply she likes. She continues to second guess everything (not just the men in her life, like Grandpa Joe or that random stranger that happened to graze her hand in the street) for like 200 pages of the book, and I got so sick of it I just returned it to the Belfast Library. I felt like I was reading some Harlequin Romance. I'm happy to report that this means I can now start "American Born Chinese" which I've been told is a good book.

I honestly don't know how to end this, so here's this song that's been stuck in my head all day. It may be a Pink Floyd song. It may even be called "Wish You Were Here". But maybe it's not. That's for you to find out. Oh, also here's a Doctor Who tribute band. They're actually pretty good. It doesn't hurt that you can listen to their album "Still Got Legs" for free!

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