Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Custodial Woes #2

I only have one week left of this job. Well, technically 3 days. Also, the smell of cat food is overpowering my nostrils because there's a bowl of it right below me, but that's besides the point. I would like to call this last week of work... Hell Week.

Hell Week
1. A seven day period in which the days last longer.
2. Akin to travelling through the 9 circles of hell, only it seems to last months.
3. A condition that cannot be cured with massive amounts of chocolate/coffee/ Muse listening.
dementors, ringwraiths, Professor Umbridge, Gideon, Kate Hudson

It's kind of like Shark Week, except without the cheesy reenactments and gory effects. This gore is REAL. Well, emotional gore. Yesterday was awful actually, cause we worked longer than we normally do. Also, half my crew decided not to put any work into what they were doing. By that I mean they were talking nerd talk (complete with war elephants and archers, also I would like to mention that they seem to talk about the same things every day. And I'm not joking. It's like listening to re-runs of the Golden Girls in that it's painful, yet you wanna listen anyways cause there's nothing else ON) and in the time it took me to do two massive windows in the cafeteria, they still weren't done with each individual window they started. Agh. I wanted to punch something cute and furry, but managed to restrain myself. Instead, I imagined various scenarios in which I could obtain this mythical "workers comp".

(I really don't know why it's fuzzy. I've tried a bazillion things to prevent the fuzzies, but my computer seems to be the bane of my existence right now. So you're gonna have to deal with it man.)

According to Urban Dictionary, worker's compensation is "a lottery that rewards stupidity". Psh. I think it's more a lottery that rewards in general. But I might be biased. By that I mean I am.

Today was a better day though. Mostly cause we weren't working overtime, and I got a free cup of coffee, and I managed to raid a couple of the office candy dishes while taking out the trash. Those strawberry candies are like childhood captured in sugar. Delicious.

Since this blog was mainly created because of my upcoming trip to China, this is probably a good time to mention that I will officially be in China in 16 days. I'll be home home and not in Houghton in 7 days. Also, I hate saying goodbye to people. I've been saying bye to too many people lately, and it's just... not cool man.

You know what? I really will miss Houghton. And I wish I could just leave for China now, instead of cleaning Houghton campus, thinking about what it would be like to see people I know once again on campus. It's been so stark of friends lately.

Agh, sappiness.

In other news. so far the only thing I know in Chinese (or rather, Mandarin) is nihao (pronounced "knee-how"). I tried out this "learn Chinese in 15 minutes per day" sort of audio course from the library... and it basically made me want to pee myself it was so difficult.

So yea. Also, sorry that I'm so lazy, and haven't really had anything exciting to report since 2 Wednesdays ago. Sorry I wasn't mugged by mutant rats, or had someone try to defeat my non-existent 7 evil ex-boyfriends lately.

What can I say, I lead a boring life sometimes.


  1. Daughter of Ulick, you write well!
    We should get together before your 7 days have passed...

  2. bahahaha you make me laugh so much...you're so funny...and I can't wait to see you!...also did I mention I'm a vegetarian now...and my stomach has hurt all day...come here and play Risk & Monopoly with me, please...how are you...I WILL CALL YOU SOON!

  3. Whoa sorry guys I didn't even notice anyone commented until just now! Mostly cause no one ever comments... *cough* but thanks! :D
