Thursday, July 7, 2011



To be honest, blogs get on my nerves. Not all the time, because there are people out there who have some legit things to contribute to society. Then there are people who don't.

At all.

It's just weird how anyone with access to a computer can spread their ideas all over the place, regardless of whether or not their ideas have any substance to them.

So what does that make me? Probs a hypocrite. Oh well. Worse things could happen.

I guess this is the part where I say something worth your while.


Well, I guess I do have something to say. I didn't really feel like making my first post about overthrowing oppresive forces, but it's on my mind right now.

Currently, I'm reading Suzanne Collins' Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. I'm not that far into it, just 60 pages or so... but my reading pace is not what I wanted to talk about. What I want to talk about is how I like the idea of uprisings-how people have this awesome ability to rise up against corrupt higher powers. I don't really want to go on and on about government, because I do feel that society does need some law oriented structure to keep it in check. But I also believe that humans are corrupt, and unfortunately the most "fallen" humans are attracted to power .So I think it's impossible to have a perfect/good government.

Whenever this idea of people rising up appears in music (so come on!), or literature, or reality (Egypt?), it's comforting to know that at least the people "being ruled" still have a say. That although this higher corrupt power thinks they have all the control, in reality they don't. That there is strength in numbers. That when enough people come together with one goal in mind, they can overcome these massive oppressive forces.

Humans are so cool man.

On a further note, I've had Jordin Sparks' song "Battlefield" stuck in my head for the past two days. So... catchy....

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