Thursday, July 21, 2011

Custodial Woes

If you're reading this, then I figured out how to post a picture. If you're not reading this, then I probably threw my computer into the Houghton Creek.

Oh Merlin's Beard, it's all fuzzy. Blegh. Whatevs man. If anyone feels like enlightening me on how much I fail at everything, please just lemme know.

Also, I don't claim to be an artist. This is probably so full of fail. BUT JUST DEAL WITH IT.

Oh, I should probably explain. Dear lord I'm sorry, my mind is literally everywhere today.

This summer I've been working full time as a custodian at my college. We work 6:30 am to 3:30 pm, and it really isn't all that bad (although I do get up at 5:09 am... every... morning... 0.o). I think the job's alright. And I need money. Also, my supervisor this week who made me scrape the finishing around the borders of an exam room in the health center looks nothing like Voldemort. That's why it's titled "inspired", because nothing in it is true, except I did have to razor blade the edges of an exam room in the health center, and we do wear blue shirts.

Also, I was stuck in said room all day yesterday, and half of today. Stripping the floor. So during this 11 hour period (in total. yikes if that was all together without stopping I would probably cry) I thought about making something like this. Just to take my mind off of the FINISHING that REFUSED to come out no matter HOW much TIME was SPENT BUFFING/STRIPPING IT OUT. AGH.


Anyways, in other news, the supervisor I mentioned before is actually the woman whose house I'm staying at over the summer. We get a different supervisor each week, and this was the first week I've had her all summer. A while ago we decided that if she was ever my supervisor, she would give me a radio. Once I had said radio in hand, we had planned that I would talk in it with a Russian accent, and I would recount stories from "ze olde country". Unfortunately it's not the best accent (I've been told I sound like Bartok from Anastasia). However, I am happy to report that I am now known as Vladamir, and I didn't realize how many other people besides the other 5 or 6 supervisors with radios would overhear our conversations on the radio.

And by that I mean everyone but two people. D:

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