Monday, July 11, 2011

Libraries and all that jazz

Let's just hope my skill of crowning amazing titles to each of my posts just goes uphill from here. Cause if it doesn't improve, I guess there's really nothing to be done.

You should be happy to know that a cat just rubbed her face on the corner of my laptop right after I typed that. At least someone agrees with me. Her name's Daisy if you want to know. She's not mine, but the awesome woman I'm living with during the summer.

Blegh, Daisy just shook herself. Fur... in my lungs....

As you may have guessed I did not sign on purely to write about cats. And I don't know why I keep yammering on about them. But I won't apologize because I think cats are awesome.

Anycrap. Crazy cat lady aside.

I just got the third hunger games book, "Mockingjay" from the library. I would probably be finished with it by now (is that a hyperbole? That's for you to decide) but I'm trying to take advantage of the fact that there is no one else in the house, using the internet that morphs into a dinosaur once two or more people use it. So here I am, sacrificing my time just to write a blog post. I swear if I die in some freak buffalo stampede accident and don't get to finish my book, so many bad things will happen. SO MANY.

Aw Daisy's back.


I've been thinking a lot about what the word "home" means. I could write a lot more (which I did but then erased because I realized how personal and sappy it was), but I won't. But I WILL tell you what I thought about on my drive back from the library.

I've realized recently that libraries comfort me. It doesn't matter where, or how big it is, or how small it is. I just like thinking that most libraries have the same books. That no matter where I go, the same stories will follow. This makes me feel like I have some strange link back home. That by picking up, say, this hunger games book, I know for a fact that this same book is also in the library near my house, 6 hours away. That maybe, right now someone I know is walking past that shelf, and just glanced at that book as it sat on the shelf. Maybe they also decided to start reading it, and are reading it at the same time I am. When I think it terms of this, I don't miss home so much, and I feel like a little bit of home is in my hands, in front of my face. Not 6 hours away.

Agh. Oh dear. Some of the sappiness from the original post I wrote slithered its way through. Also, some creepiness that I didn't intend to be there. Oh well. Deal with it.

Sorry about that.

I'll try not to leave you on such a depressing note. So here's this cool video (yes you're meant to click it). Personally, my favorite kind of videos (besides funny ones, and by funny ones I mean ones that aren't some cat video watched by a bajillion people but something someone put time and effort into creating) are cover videos. By covers I mean covers of songs. I don't know who would want to create a video about bed sheets, but I mean whatevs. Everyone has their thing. But I like the creativity behind it. So watch it. Watch his other videos. I swear the only reason I ever found him in the first place wasn't because he did a cover of a Muse song, specifically one from their fifth album, specifically titled Resistance.


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