Thursday, September 22, 2011


  • I'm feeling lazy. So I thought I'd try to be creative.
  • This might get on my nerves after a while.
  • And yes, you might have guessed from the title of my post, but according to the stats of my blog I have received two views from Russia recently. And this makes me so happy.
  • In other news not related to China but totally related to Muse, I found this cover of their song Newborn that made me realize I will never accomplish anything musical. Ever.

Things that are starting to bug me in China.
  • Getting stared at.
  • My speaking class.
  • Getting stared at.
  • You encounter a variety of smells here. 90% of the time it's death. But I'm getting used to it. Also, I'm recovering from a cold. The cold helped clog my ability to smell, which was nice. But alas, it won't last forever. Whoa. That was weird. I was looking out the window for a moment and swore I saw Ezio crouching on the corner of a building. Anyways.
  • Being stared at. I wear my heelies more often now just to give them something to stare at.
  • Also recently, I keep falling asleep to the sound of cats fighting. I woke one morning from the sound of a defeated cat screaming out in pain at 5:45am in the morning. I thought I was dreaming. It was awful. I also dreamt of a green jaguar. The cat not the car.
Things I like
  • Chopsticks. They make so much more sense.
  • This tea drink I've been buying lately. I don't know what it's called cause it's in Chinese, but it's pretty good.
  • A milk tea place me and my friends found. It's so good. They make the best bubble tea. I've realized I can't get it for my classes, cause I drink it so fast and have to pee within the first 15 minutes, and class lasts like an hour and a half.

  • See what I did there? Also, whilst looking for Matthew Bellamy photos I found a ton of Kate Hudson photos. I promptly barfed. Not in real life. Just in my head.
  • I love this food called matuan. It's delicious. I had it for breakfast. I had it for lunch. I want to make them when I get back. It's probably impossible. But I will find a way.

  • It's getting colder. I love the cold.By colder I mean it's like 75 degrees Fahrenheit now.
  • I love Chinese food. The only thing I really miss is coffee. Real coffee. Not instant. Apparently coffee the way we (Americans) make it is... well... an American thing. WHY must the ONLY THING that MATTERS be AMERICAN?!
  • I'm wearing heelies right now. And I love that.
  • Seeing one star in the sky is exciting. Really.
  • My listening class. The teacher is funny.
  • My Chinese name. It's hilarious.
  • I'm sure there's something else but I can't think right now.
  • The science museum we went to in Shanghai.
  • This bracelet I bought in Shanghai WHICH I FORGOT TO WEAR TODAY? WHAT?! NO!

Things you should know
  • Never buy a pizza here. It takes longer to make than steak. I don't know why it does, but last night we waited two hours for this kid's pizza to come out, and we had all already finished our food. One time, when we got pizza from pizza hut, we waited a while even then (although not two hours) but this OTHER kid's pizza "broke", so we had to wait for them to make another one. Which took forever.
  • I just started the sixth season of Doctor who. Which means I will have caught up. I guess I can always rewatch seasons with the tenth doctor.
  • Chinese people don't wear hoods. I was talking to these two Chinese girls, Jenny and Rachel about it, asking them cause I noticed no one ever had a hood up or anything. They promptly told me Koreans do that. Not the Chinese.
  • The hair stylists here are all male. I don't want a guy cutting my hair, but it's apparently considered taboo for a girl to touch a guys hair, plus a guy can work longer cause he doesn't have the possibility of getting pregnant. Psh.
  • I wear a backpack now.
  • I figured out what I'm doing for Houghton's Spot when I come back in the spring. Will it be awesome? I dunno. You tell me after you've seen it. Give me like 5 months. 6? Hopefully I won't slip on the Roth hill like last time while heelying down its icy slope, thus spraining my finger. Which is still crooked and ugly. But minor details.
  • I haven't played the piano in like a month. I need to find one. Somewhere.
  • The drain in my bathroom smells. D;
  • I like my internship. I work at a magazine/newspaper place. I did I mention that yet? Well now I did.
  • I wrote a poem recently. Which I won't share. I just felt like I should include that on this random list of shenanigans that happens to Brittany. Or should I say Wei Li. Wei Jian Li to be exact. Is that my Chinese name? What could it mean? If you're friends with me, just look at my alternate name on facebook. Copy it into a translator. Laugh. Rinse and repeat.
  • Agh I should really be studying my grammar for my dictation tomorrow. By that I mean I have to memorize like 20 Chinese words (pinyin and character).
  • I can get a hair cut here for 16 Yuan. So 2 dollars. Jealous? Well you could always fly out here and get one yourself.
  • I don't know what else to write.
  • The bullet train we took to Shanghai was really smooth. We didn't even realize we stopped at one point actually and thought we were still moving, and the movement outside we thought was a tree was actually a person, boarding the stationary train.
  • We ate at this place tonight that sold smiley fries. They were delicious. I also ate a fish eye. It tasted like a soft jaw breaker, at least that's how Justin, the garbage disposal described it. He ate the other eye. And the brain.
  • I bought toilet paper in bulk. I know you wanted to know that. DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF.
  • And that's all. For now.
Have fun with your life and stuff peoples.

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