Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chinese classes went great

So I'm currently on season 5 of Doctor Who. I do like Matt Smith, but I for realz really miss David Tennant. I think he was by far the best Doctor. Eccleston just... seemed lame. I don't know. He didn't have what Tennant had.

I would keep going on and on, but the majority of people who read this probably don't watch Doctor Who, so everything I would say would just go over your head. I might as well just be talking to myself. Or a big stupid monkey.

In other news, my classes started yesterday. I wish I could say it was wonderful, and that I comprehended the Chinese language right away and am now fluent. However, if you live in reality and would like an accurate portrayal of what I felt like by my third class yesterday, then here you go.

You see, in our first class (listening) we had to get up in front and introduce ourselves, which really wasn't all that bad. Sort of weird, but not horrible. We had 10 minutes to kill, so our teacher taught us the tones. Then by the second class (grammar) we went over some words and stuff, and in the last 20 minutes we went over tones. Then by the THIRD class (speaking) we spent the ENTIRE hour and thirty minutes reviewing the four tones. It was worse then being stuck on a purgatory island. It was dreadful. I envisioned running from the room screaming. I kept moving around in my chair. You looked at the time, and realized you had only an hour left when it felt like forever had already passed you by. I was hoping the Daleks would suddenly decide to invade earth. Cyber men. Giant babies. Anything.

However, nothing of the sort happened. I took a three hour nap afterwards. Then I found out I had an article due tomorrow for That's Zhejiang. I'm very happy I knew about this well in advance.

In other news, I'm getting sick of people staring at me. I like to wear my sun glasses, just because it gives me an excuse to stare back. Maybe some of you think it's wonderful that people would stare at you so much, and that Chinese people seem to think Westerners are so beautiful while they themselves are not. But when you think about it, it's almost racist. Placing people of white color on such a high pedestal. I hate it actually. There's a lot of white people in advertisements, and at first it's comforting to see white people, even if it is in advertisements, but then I realize I'm in China, and for them to see that, it's the equivalent of us having to look at skinny models who never eat everyday in our advertisements.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't white. But that is probably also racist. I wish there wasn't a minority. I wish everyone was on equal terms. I wish people would stop staring at me cause I'm white.

And by stare, I don't mean casually glance. I meant you're just walking down the street, and the person ten yards in front of you stares. And they don't STOP staring at you until they've walked a good couple of feet past you. 

Anycrap, I need to practice writing some Chinese characters for class, so I should probably go. Also, I realized I've been here almost three weeks. I'm supposed to be keeping a journal for my intercultural studies advisor and write a journal entry every four days. So I should have at least written five entries.

How many have I written you ask?

Well it's the equivalent to the number of great works of literature Stephenie Meyer has written.

By that I mean NONE.

I would write more, but I can't focus. Also my hands can't seem to type properly today, and I sort of want to throw my keyboard into the fires of Mount Doom every other word.

So I'll end with this video that combines two loves of mine. And you thought I wasn't going to mention Muse at all, didn't you? ALSO APPARENTLY THERE IS A DOCTOR WHO EPISODE WHERE A MUSE SONG PLAYS. JUST THOUGHT I WOULD MENTION THAT.


But this song is pretty good, except I don't like the intro part with Uprising when the alien tune from Uprising is playing at the same time the alien tune from the Doctor Who theme is playing. It should be one or the other. Besides that it's pretty alright.

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