Thursday, September 8, 2011

Procrastination Initiated

Guess what I'm doing?


And I'm quite good at it.

Like I just spent about 30 minutes trying to find a decent Doctor Who quote to put in my facebook status.

Time well spent.

Ok, to be honest, I should be writing an article for my internship at That's Zhejiang. These two British guys (one's in charge of the paper version, and one's in charge of the magazine version) are sort of our bosses I guess? Anyways, Taylor and I both thought our first day would just involve us editing other people's articles. Then we found out, since we're "newbies" to Hangzhou, they want our first impressions of the city. Or an outsider's view. Fresh stuff.

So long story short, I've got 154 words out of the 300 word minimum.

I know, I'm halfway there, whoaaaa...

I'll tell you what I wrote about if it gets published. Don't worry, I'm not feeling any pressure. Especially since there's only like what, 6 million people who live in Hangzhou and could potentially be reading this?

Psh. Whatevs dudeman.

In other news, I bought three books at this massive bookstore called Booku for 98 Yuan, so 16 dollars? I think? Yea? I realized I have like nothing to read. So I figured a 1000 page volume one of Sherlock Holmes stories would help solve this dilemma.

In other news I just finished episode 12 in season four of Doctor Who. I might be borderline obsessed, mostly because I've been watching it so much, and also because the past few episodes have been SO GOOD. I think Catherine Tate (or Donna Noble as she's known in the show) is probably my favorite companion thus far. Martha just... I dunno. Annoyed me somehow. And Rose was pretty cool, but I think I only liked her in the most recent of episodes she appeared in. I must say I'm slightly jealous of her and her life. In the show.

Spoilers? Don't worry.

Did I even mention anything about China?

Well I have a phone. We went to a museum today. I'm currently sitting in the apartment alone, and it's midnight. And I should really finish this article. I've probably written more than 300 characters already. Blimey.

Oh and the moon festivals in like four days, so I should have something exciting to report. Did I mention we're going to a theme park? We were all excited, cause we're going for free cause this other newspaper whose name has escaped me that writes a lot about international shenanigans is taking westerners out on the 11, because well it's the tenth anniversary of 9/11. Although none of us are sure if theme park means rides, or the opposite of rides. I tried looking it up on google, but I kept getting hotels. And I'm pretty sure we're not going to a hotel.

Alright, I'm gonna stop procrastinating and looking up Muse videos on youtube and funny moments of various shows I love.

Alright. New tidbits.
-You can't flush your toilet paper, but must throw it away.
-Exit signs here are green.
-I ate my dinner in a dark alleyway. I'm pretty sure it was because I was white. Also, the restaurant (which we've called Pacman for the red Pacman sign out front) was crowded.
-All the coffee here... is instant D:

So have fun with your life and stuffs. Until next time. When I write something worthwhile.

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