Monday, September 5, 2011

The Furious Eight

Sorry. I just really like Simon's Cat, and he recently brought out a new video, so I felt inclined to share it.

You know what I love even more than that though?

Alright, I feel like maybe I should introduce the people I will be studying abroad with. Or rather, am studying abroad with. At least, in the way I imagine them. If I was artistic I would draw cartoon versions of them, complete with the captions I've created for them. But I'm not.

The Guys
Balasz, the Foreigner
Peter, the 31 year old
Justin, the garbage disposal

The Girls
Guiliani, lover of Korean dramas
Kelsey, the kung fu artist
Taylor, the Sigourney Weaver look-a-like
Carey, the Backstreet Boys groupie

We just recently found out Peter is 31. None of us had any idea. Balasz is 24, so we though he was the oldest in the group. Until Friday night, when it was discovered that Peter was the oldest in our group. Everyone's mind was blown. We thought he was 24. He doesn't even look 31. You want to know who else is also 31?

Bet you didn't see that one coming.

Alright, here's the part where I say something about China.

Today is my first day at my internship. If I had a Tardis I could easily have come back in time to tell you how it went. However I am not the Doctor. Although I am currently in the fourth season, specifically episode 6. Also, the tenth doctor bears a close resemblance to a certain lead singer of a certain UK band.

Alright China.



Well, to be honest there's too much to write about.

I say that all the time, but I'm being for-serious here. I'm also busy half the time, and I haven't written my blog in a while, and I sort of forgot to write to my parents for a week because the internet wasn't working and we were busy... so I probably won't get daughter of the year cause they probably thought I was dead on the corner of a street somewhere.

So because I fail-boated, and haven't written in a week, here's a succinct version of my weekend, followed by a brief recap of the previous week.

Saturday. Went to West Lake. Walked around for 3 hours cause I can't read a map. Found Leifeng Pagoda. Spent 40 RMB and climbed it. Got some pictures of West Lake. Hailed and took a taxi for the first time in my life. Went to some section of town where kids were learning how to roller blade. Kelsey was invited by her Chinese friend August to help promote something. So me, Kelsey, and Guiliani went. Found out that, in Chinese, they were promoting their school to parents, telling them we were the teachers. We then got paid 100 Yuan.

Earlier last week. Went to a Tea House. Ate a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Apparently people stay there all day. Did laundry cause I was running out of clean underwear/socks. Went to a restaurant the next day, where I got a free sandwich cause the waiter couldn't remember who had ordered it. It was a veggie sandwich. Tasted like a tatter tot between two pieces of bread. My friend Kelsey dropped a slice of pizza on the table. I grabbed it, telling her there were starving children in China. Then I got excited cause I realized I was talking about myself.

Um. None of that is exciting. This is a very poorly planned blog post. So sorry about that. I'M BUSY ALRIGHT. JUST DEAL. Next time I promise the post will make more sense, and be more interesting. Actually like an hour after I post I always think of a bajillion better things I could have written about. Then I forget about those bajillion ideas the next time I post. I promise I'll try to think the next time I write.

In the meantime, here are some interesting tidbits
-Everyone air dries their clothes.
-They like weird flavored things. Like blueberry chips.
-Many children start to learn English at the age of 3.
-Old people here are much more, respected I guess you could say. At least, the old people here don't scare me like in America. I don't know how to describe it. Like I feel like because of the way Americans are it's easy for the elderly to just not to anything all day and slowly lose themselves, but here everyone is active. Like super active.
-Not everyone has a dog here. I don't think a lot of people have pets actually. I've only seen maybe three people with dogs since I've been here?

I forget what else I've written in the past. But last night I saw a pretty bright star, and that makes the fifth star I've seen so far since I've been here.

So have fun with your life and stuffs peoples. Until next time.

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