Tuesday, August 23, 2011

That one scene with the orc

Yep. I lied. Although only three of you know what I'm talk-sorry- WRITING about. Because only three of you read my last post.

Which is cool. I guess.

Didn't realize I was that boring.

Or maybe that just means no one stalks me?

Which is totally cool or whatever.


Here's this horribly drawn comic inspired by this time I watched the entire extended version of LOTR (for like the infinity-ith time) with the people I lived with over the summer one weekend. And by weekend I mean almost a week.

Yea. This has nothing to do with pre-China jitters.

I just don't know what to feel.

Although I DO feel like a broken record. I think I've told the same thing a hundred times the past week. "Yes I'm going to China." "Four months." "With Central College." "Studying Chinese." "No I don't know Chinese." "Yes I am a Lost fan." "Team Harry Potter."

Alright so not all of those are actual answers, but you get the point. It's just weird. Sometimes it hits me. I'm going to China. Then other times I expect that on the eve of my leaving, say, while my friends are throwing me a party before I leave for Asia, suddenly my ex (which I don't have, but in this alternate universe let's just say I do) shows up. Let's say this ex and me happened to share a fun day at some theme park, and the same tape we happened to tape ourselves on is also being used to tape that night's party's events. Suddenly, a giant monster that had been woken up by a satellite that hit it the same day we were at said park, wakes from its slumber and suddenly attacks NYC, killing my brother and all my friends. Well. Let's just hope that doesn't happen tonight. Or now.

On an entirely different note, watching movies like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Mulan, and Kung Fu Panda probably isn't the best way to learn about a culture. But that is what I've been doing. ("Really Brittany? You mean they don't sing and dance about how they are men over there?") However, don't be alarmed, because I had to write a ton of papers for some pre-depature class in Houghton about China. Not like I know everything. But I probably know more than the average person.

I just hope I'm not the cliched loud America. Agh. That is the least of the things I want to be.

However I am bringing my Heelies in the hopes that I can Heely across the Great Wall.

If you be hatin', it's just cause you be jealousin'.

Agh. So much rambling. BUT if you really want to know, I'm just going to stay up all night, because I have to leave at 4am to make it to Newark, which means I would have to wake up early to shower and crap, and what's the point when I have a day's worth of flights ahead of me, all of which I could be sleeping on?

So now, f'realz, the next post WILL be from China. Hopefully I will be able to access this site. If not just wait like four months THEN I will post like crazy.

So have fun with your life and stuff peoples.

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