Sunday, August 28, 2011

So I understand the Chinese driver stereotype now....

Dear Lord. I never understood why people always said that Chinese peoples are terrible drivers. But coming to China. I now understand. Like today, we rode a bus from the West Lake to a McDonalds near Zhejiang campus, and there are four lanes on both sides right? Well our bus was in the far right lane. Now in America you wouldn't be allowed to turn left in that lane. But our bus turned left. Also, cars will go into lanes with on coming traffic to bypass cars that are slow or stopping for some reason. But they will use their horns so it's ok.

Basically, I hope I never have to drive in China ever.

However crossing the street can be terrifying. Today our group played a real life game of frogger. And it was terrifying.

On a completely different note, I've had some weird dreams since I've been in China. I blame this largely on the heat. For example, I had this dream where I went to the bathroom, and suddenly realized my toilet had been moved, and the ONLY possible logical explanation was because a serial killer had snuck through my bathroom window. And as I tried to move to escape, it was at that point in the dream when you start to wake up so you sort of move slowly, and I could see the killer coming at me from my periphs... then I woke up.

Although that's not as bad as my plane ride to China. I kept going in and out of consciousness, and at one point I woke up, and could not for the life of me figure out why I was on a plane, and why there were so many Asians around me.

I also watched Kung Fu Panda 2 on the plane. Not as good as the first. Actually, I completely forget how it ends, and I think that's mostly because I was half conscious.

Also I'm proud to say I haven't used a fork yet. Not like that's an option. But still. I'm proud of myself even if you aren't at all.

Speaking of food. This kid in our group ate the head of a chicken yesterday. Brains and eyes and all. For those of you wondering, he described the brain as tasting like mashed potatoes. For those of you also wondering, yes I lost my appetite.

They serve the heads of animals with a lot of things. Mostly duck or chicken.

And dang. I had no idea how cheap stuff would be here. Like one US dollar is the equivalent to 6 Chinese Yuan. The average bottle of water or soda here is 3 Yuan. So I'm gonna be way cheaper than I normally am when I come back to the States.

Although to be perfectly honest, it's slowly hitting me that I'm actually in China. I feel like I'm just in some city's Chinatown, and I'll turn the corner and be able to read the signs again. I just can't wait for my classes to start on the 13th, because this whole not knowing any Chinese thing is getting slightly annoying.

Oh, and I'll end this blog with this. The street cleaners here sound like an ice cream truck, and they usually play the birthday song.

Alright now for realz I'm gonna stop. Cause I could probs write like a bajillion things right now. But I honestly don't feel like it. It's sort of tiring. Also I have to keep a journal for Houghton, and one for the program I'm in, and keep in contact with my parents.... so... much.... writing....

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