Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Daleks and Zombies

But really. I don't understand.

And really, WHY IS IT STILL BLURRY. I EVEN DREW EYEBROWS. But can you see them? NOT REALLY. D:

For those of you who for realz don't understand anything I'm talking about, I'm referencing Doctor Who, and the Daleks. A Dalek is sort of like R2-D2, except it's been genetically altered to hate everything---programmed to literally "exterminate" everything. Basically, it's a robot Nazi. I mean the concept is cool, except I would just design them differently. Like a robot centipede. That would probably make me crap myself.

Also, they really don't say a whole lot, except for "EXTERMINATE" or "WE. ARE. THE. DALEEEEEEKKKSSS" in these really loud robot voices. In fact if these things were real, I think the only thing I would be scared about is the headache they would give me in real life as opposed to just watching them on Doctor Who.

In other news, don't read "The Dead-Tossed Waves". I know it was probably on your "MUST READ NOW" list, but it's like "Twilight" with zombies. By that I mean it's horribly written. The main character kept changing her mind about who she liked, and one second she likes this guy named Catcher right? And in the first 20 pages she gets to kiss him. But the thing is her and her friends went beyond the barrier that keeps the Mudo (aka ZOMBIE) out, so they could go climb a roller coaster. Well right after she kisses this Catcher dudeman, she hears some moaning which is the sounds of a Breaker, a super zombie, which basically proceeds to decimate everyone, and infects this Catcher dude. Well she manages to escape and crap, but then has to go back cause "she loves him". But on her way to see him in the dead of night, this kid Elias appears, saves her from some zombies, and suddenly she realizes the way his "body heat" feels as he stands near her reminds her of Catcher. She continues to hate/love/be indifferent towards Elias, then she convinces herself she loves Catcher, but also knows that things wouldn't work out him about to turn into a Zombie and all. But THEN there's ANOTHER guy named DANIEL whose presence she ALSO just HAPPENS to imply she likes. She continues to second guess everything (not just the men in her life, like Grandpa Joe or that random stranger that happened to graze her hand in the street) for like 200 pages of the book, and I got so sick of it I just returned it to the Belfast Library. I felt like I was reading some Harlequin Romance. I'm happy to report that this means I can now start "American Born Chinese" which I've been told is a good book.

I honestly don't know how to end this, so here's this song that's been stuck in my head all day. It may be a Pink Floyd song. It may even be called "Wish You Were Here". But maybe it's not. That's for you to find out. Oh, also here's a Doctor Who tribute band. They're actually pretty good. It doesn't hurt that you can listen to their album "Still Got Legs" for free!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Custodial Woes

If you're reading this, then I figured out how to post a picture. If you're not reading this, then I probably threw my computer into the Houghton Creek.

Oh Merlin's Beard, it's all fuzzy. Blegh. Whatevs man. If anyone feels like enlightening me on how much I fail at everything, please just lemme know.

Also, I don't claim to be an artist. This is probably so full of fail. BUT JUST DEAL WITH IT.

Oh, I should probably explain. Dear lord I'm sorry, my mind is literally everywhere today.

This summer I've been working full time as a custodian at my college. We work 6:30 am to 3:30 pm, and it really isn't all that bad (although I do get up at 5:09 am... every... morning... 0.o). I think the job's alright. And I need money. Also, my supervisor this week who made me scrape the finishing around the borders of an exam room in the health center looks nothing like Voldemort. That's why it's titled "inspired", because nothing in it is true, except I did have to razor blade the edges of an exam room in the health center, and we do wear blue shirts.

Also, I was stuck in said room all day yesterday, and half of today. Stripping the floor. So during this 11 hour period (in total. yikes if that was all together without stopping I would probably cry) I thought about making something like this. Just to take my mind off of the FINISHING that REFUSED to come out no matter HOW much TIME was SPENT BUFFING/STRIPPING IT OUT. AGH.


Anyways, in other news, the supervisor I mentioned before is actually the woman whose house I'm staying at over the summer. We get a different supervisor each week, and this was the first week I've had her all summer. A while ago we decided that if she was ever my supervisor, she would give me a radio. Once I had said radio in hand, we had planned that I would talk in it with a Russian accent, and I would recount stories from "ze olde country". Unfortunately it's not the best accent (I've been told I sound like Bartok from Anastasia). However, I am happy to report that I am now known as Vladamir, and I didn't realize how many other people besides the other 5 or 6 supervisors with radios would overhear our conversations on the radio.

And by that I mean everyone but two people. D:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Who's that Pokemon?

I hate summer. I hate the heat. I hate when I feel like I'm melting. I hate humidity. I hate feeling like I can't breathe. I hate that no matter how many freaking layers you aren't wearing, you still feel like the sun is oppressively breathing down your neck, daring you to walk around naked.

I hate it ALL.

However, there are SOME things I like about summer. And by that, I mean like three things tops. (Don't hold me to that. I don't really know how many things I like, but I'm pretty sure I can count them on one hand, maybe one and a half hands. Or maybe one thumb.)

So, today, I will share one thing I like about summer.

Name: Cicada
Type: Bug
Class: Insecta
Ability: Shed Skin
Experience at level 100: 1,000,000
Evolves from nymph to adult: level 5

I always forget that I love cicadas. That summer isn't all that bad, because when you hear a cicada it's like hearing childhood calling. It's like that moment in Land Before Time when Littlefoot meets Ducky, or in Lost when Charlie stopped doing drugs, or like the first time I saw Muse in concert, or like the-

Dear Lord I can get off on long tangents. ANYWAYS

I heard a cicada today while sitting in church, which is why this post is devoted solely to their existence. Now, rambling aside, here are some super cool facts I didn't know about the cicada.

Fact #1: Their "song" is so loud, that it could cause permanent hearing loss in a human being if they were close enough to one's ear.

Fact #2: In Japan, the cicada represents re-birth.

Fact #3: Around 220 species of cicada have been identified in Australia.

Fact #4: Cicada's eat (drink?) the sap from trees. Nymphs drink xyxlem from the roots of trees (whatever the crap that is).

Fact #5: The species will hatch their eggs, out in the open, usually in a moist area. They then wait for unsuspecting humans to walk by, inspect the egg, and at this point the crab-like nymph will jump out of the egg, latching itself onto the face of the homo sapiens. By this point it is too late for the human to do anything, because once the nymph has latched onto the face of its prey it is at this point that the real "bug" will crawl down the throat of the human, and wait in its stomach. Once the human has regained consciousness and has a false sense of security, it is at this point that the creature will pop OUT of the humans bowels, thus putting not only their victim but any humans around in a state of shock. It is at this point that the creature is at its weakest, but it uses this element of surprise to shock the humans before they realize they must destroy the creature, giving it able time to hide and grow at an alarming rate.

Don't question fact 5. Embrace it. You'll thank me later. Really. You will.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Libraries and all that jazz

Let's just hope my skill of crowning amazing titles to each of my posts just goes uphill from here. Cause if it doesn't improve, I guess there's really nothing to be done.

You should be happy to know that a cat just rubbed her face on the corner of my laptop right after I typed that. At least someone agrees with me. Her name's Daisy if you want to know. She's not mine, but the awesome woman I'm living with during the summer.

Blegh, Daisy just shook herself. Fur... in my lungs....

As you may have guessed I did not sign on purely to write about cats. And I don't know why I keep yammering on about them. But I won't apologize because I think cats are awesome.

Anycrap. Crazy cat lady aside.

I just got the third hunger games book, "Mockingjay" from the library. I would probably be finished with it by now (is that a hyperbole? That's for you to decide) but I'm trying to take advantage of the fact that there is no one else in the house, using the internet that morphs into a dinosaur once two or more people use it. So here I am, sacrificing my time just to write a blog post. I swear if I die in some freak buffalo stampede accident and don't get to finish my book, so many bad things will happen. SO MANY.

Aw Daisy's back.


I've been thinking a lot about what the word "home" means. I could write a lot more (which I did but then erased because I realized how personal and sappy it was), but I won't. But I WILL tell you what I thought about on my drive back from the library.

I've realized recently that libraries comfort me. It doesn't matter where, or how big it is, or how small it is. I just like thinking that most libraries have the same books. That no matter where I go, the same stories will follow. This makes me feel like I have some strange link back home. That by picking up, say, this hunger games book, I know for a fact that this same book is also in the library near my house, 6 hours away. That maybe, right now someone I know is walking past that shelf, and just glanced at that book as it sat on the shelf. Maybe they also decided to start reading it, and are reading it at the same time I am. When I think it terms of this, I don't miss home so much, and I feel like a little bit of home is in my hands, in front of my face. Not 6 hours away.

Agh. Oh dear. Some of the sappiness from the original post I wrote slithered its way through. Also, some creepiness that I didn't intend to be there. Oh well. Deal with it.

Sorry about that.

I'll try not to leave you on such a depressing note. So here's this cool video (yes you're meant to click it). Personally, my favorite kind of videos (besides funny ones, and by funny ones I mean ones that aren't some cat video watched by a bajillion people but something someone put time and effort into creating) are cover videos. By covers I mean covers of songs. I don't know who would want to create a video about bed sheets, but I mean whatevs. Everyone has their thing. But I like the creativity behind it. So watch it. Watch his other videos. I swear the only reason I ever found him in the first place wasn't because he did a cover of a Muse song, specifically one from their fifth album, specifically titled Resistance.


Thursday, July 7, 2011



To be honest, blogs get on my nerves. Not all the time, because there are people out there who have some legit things to contribute to society. Then there are people who don't.

At all.

It's just weird how anyone with access to a computer can spread their ideas all over the place, regardless of whether or not their ideas have any substance to them.

So what does that make me? Probs a hypocrite. Oh well. Worse things could happen.

I guess this is the part where I say something worth your while.


Well, I guess I do have something to say. I didn't really feel like making my first post about overthrowing oppresive forces, but it's on my mind right now.

Currently, I'm reading Suzanne Collins' Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. I'm not that far into it, just 60 pages or so... but my reading pace is not what I wanted to talk about. What I want to talk about is how I like the idea of uprisings-how people have this awesome ability to rise up against corrupt higher powers. I don't really want to go on and on about government, because I do feel that society does need some law oriented structure to keep it in check. But I also believe that humans are corrupt, and unfortunately the most "fallen" humans are attracted to power .So I think it's impossible to have a perfect/good government.

Whenever this idea of people rising up appears in music (so come on!), or literature, or reality (Egypt?), it's comforting to know that at least the people "being ruled" still have a say. That although this higher corrupt power thinks they have all the control, in reality they don't. That there is strength in numbers. That when enough people come together with one goal in mind, they can overcome these massive oppressive forces.

Humans are so cool man.

On a further note, I've had Jordin Sparks' song "Battlefield" stuck in my head for the past two days. So... catchy....