Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm in love with fictional guys. And maybe K-Pop boybands.

I have only a day and a half left in China.

In that amount of time, I must start and finish a 2,000 word paper on Journey to the West that I was halfway through completing, when the screen on my laptop turned green, then purple, then just froze. Now it'll turn on, but the screen won't come to life. Like a laptop coma.

Besides that, I really have nothing to report. It's weird thinking I'll be leaving China. I feel like I just got here, but another part of me feels like I've been here all my life.

Also, I'm very frustrated to report that today, I finally discovered the only English channel on my TV. Oh, what's that? Oh, it's only my favorite channel, the DISCOVERY CHANNEL. I WATCHED DIRTY JOBS. WITH CHINESE SUBTITLES. FATE. WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOW THIS TO ME SOONER, LIKE THE FIRST WEEK I WAS HERE, NOT THE LAST WEEK. NOT TWO DAYS BEFORE I LEAVE CHINA. WHYYYYYYY.

Ah, but I'm not really that frustrated. Well, right now. Because I'm listening to Super Junior.

Oh, hey there guy fourth from the left.
I've also realized I have unrealistic expectations in guys. Specifically the guy I'm "meant to be with". Probably because the only guys I like are fictional orange haired asians who have super powers, or fictional black haired asians who also have super powers (and their name may or may be Hei which IS Chinese for black), or guys in Miyazaki's films, or k-pop stars, or timelords who go about saving the world and time travelling in their blue police box spaceship, or Matthew Bellamy when he was in his early 20s and spiked his hair/dyed it....

You get the picture.

I think I'm fated to be alone for the rest of my life. I'm alright with that though. As long as I can adopt asian children. That's all I really need.

But in more serious news.

I never get serious on here, so I don't like the way this is shifting anymore than you do.

However, I need to get this off my chest without mentioning any names. It's been bothering me ever since I found out a couple of days ago.

One thing that scares me so much about other people, is that you really don't know who they are. You may think you know them, and understand how they tick, and think you've got them all figured out. But the truth is, you have no idea. It's so easy to act one way, and then act completely different the next moment. That's one reason I never want to get into a relationship, because people can change. Or just be who you never expected them to be.

It's so hard for me to be friends with someone, when part of me just wants to call them names they deserve to be called, or when part of me wants to punch them in the face.

How can people who seem like the nicest people in the world, turn out to be massive jerks who use people just to get what they want with no regard for other people's emotions?

Boys. are. so. STUPID.

That's it. I don't want to keep ranting and raving.I mean, I could. But I won't. Just don't prove me right people. Please. Just be nice, and don't use people, or lie to them, or only tell them part of the truth. Treat others the way you want to be treated and stuff. If you want to be lied to, and cheated on, then there's something seriously wrong with you. And maybe someone should punch you in the face.

I don't really know how to transition from that.


You want to know what happens in five days?



This could possibly be the best present. Ever. Thank you BBC.

Actually, I can't decide if I'm more excited about the Christmas special, or Christmas. It's a pretty close tie.

Anyways, I'm going to read through this and check for spelling mistakes, because this computer doesn't do that nifty red squiggly when I mispell things. So I'm sorry if there are any painful mistakes.

Also, I‘m determined to bring everything back with me to America. I think I can make everything fit... and at this point, if I have to pay extra, then whatever dudeman. Doesn't make sense to me why I should pay 75 dollars for having 5 more pounds of weight then I should, but whatever. The systems in place so the plane doesn't crash. I get it.

Regardless, the next time I post, I will be in America, and typing from a computer that doesn't keep turning my english words into random Chinese characters. You have no idea how frustrating this is. And I still have to write 2,000 words. See? SEE WHAT IT'S DOING. WHAT IS THIS SCRIPT. I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND.

Have fun with your life and stuffs people.

And please, please, PLEASE don't turn into a horrible person overnight.

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