Friday, January 6, 2012

Reverse Culture Shock

So... it's been a while since I've posted. I would apologize. But, I sort of just came back from a FOUR MONTH trip to China... so I needed some time to think. And get over jetlag.

If there's anyone reading this who's never been to another country... don't just prepare yourself for culture shock. Be sure to prepare yourself for reverse culture shock. It exists. I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing it. I wish I wasn't, but that's life. I also wish I had thought ahead of time to prepare myself mentally for reverse culture shock, but that's also life.

The first week I spent at home, playing Borderlands and Twilight Princess wasn't just because I felt like "vegging out". I didn't want to go out into American society.

Also, I honestly don't even want to go back to school. I need at least another week. Not three more days. I plan on just driving right past Houghton straight to the North Pole. Maybe I can live amongst the polar bears.

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