Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry

I would like to share my current obsession with you.


Specifically... Super Junior.

This photo reminds me of Durarara!!! (the actual title of the manga/anime has exclamation points.... FYI).

Oh. Hey there.

They're like Backstreet Boys, but waaay better because there are three times the amount of guys and they're freaking ASIAN.

Watching their videos gives me the false expectation that I, too, can dance

Which I totally can.

Also. If by chance they happen to have a show near me. I'm totally there. Like shareware.

[I would like to take this moment to thank Guiliani (my friend who's obsessed with Korea/Koreans/K-pop) for giving me that k-pop mix (which she doesn't remember giving me) that had Super Junior on it.]

You know that question, "If you could have any super power what would it be?" and people always give horribly cliched boring answers like "invisibility" or "reading minds" or whatever? Well, now my "super power" has changed. I wish I had the power to summon musicians. First I would have to do some kind of ritual of course, like whip out some scroll and shout something, I don't know, like "音乐!来!" and that's when they would appear in a puff of smoke.

Think of how handy that would be. You're walking to class, when you see what's-her-face, coming straight towards you. You swore to yourself that what's-her-face was your archenemy ever since that time she flirted with that guy you had a crush on but never had a shot with. In an effort to create confusion, before she could brag to you about how her and Tommy McAbs are dating, you summon Super Junior to avert attention away from yourself. Or you could summon some band from the UK that I talk about obsessively so I'll try not to use their band name BUT the bassist and drummer also have December birthdays and the singer/guitarist/pianist/10th-Doctor-look-a-like is engaged to someone whose name rhymes with Hate Mudson.

Also, I would save so much money on concerts.

So. Much.

Oh I didn't mention? I also summon an entire stage, not just the musician(s). And baozi. Just because. That way I could end world hunger and provide a show.

I've already made a decision to buy a Super Junior CD before I leave [it is essential for my survival. And the plane ride back to the states which is in 15 days.]. Except this time, when I try to find the book store, I won't get horribly lost.


So there I was. Monday. Specifically, November 28. Our group had grown used to staying in the apartment (at least those of us who aren't dating someone/potentially dating someone) and watching shows we bought LEGALLY from the night market. I was growing tired of watching shows, especially since I had already finished Pushing Daisies (WHY WAS IT CANCELLED), Big Bang Theory, and How I Met Your Mother... and my stash of unwatched shows was reaching a dangerous low. No one else wanted to go with me, because they were tired/watching shows/BEING BORING so I went off by myself.

Well, I found the 21 bus. The problem was that there were like four 21 buses. I just sort of creeped on Chinese businessmen and figured out which one to go on. I sat down in a seat, and began to listen to music through my big headphones I bought from the night market, counting down the number of stops we approached. I was supposed to get off at the 8th stop. Well, the 8th stop was practically 100 feet away from the 7th stop, so as the bus stopped I was slightly confused, but regardless I made an effort to get up. This brings me to the definition of a Space Invader.

Space Invader, n.
1) An individual who is unaware of society's "personal space".
2) An individual who will chose to stand next to your seat, instead of sitting in one of the 20 empty seats, blocking you in.
3) Said individual will also answer their phone ("WEI?! NIHAO!!!")...and talk in an unnecessarily loud voice.
4) Even though you're obviously trying to get out of your seat, said "space invader" won't move, so you develop the Chinese custom of pushing and shoving.

Long story short... I didn't manage to get off the bus in time. I couldn't even play it off cool, like "Oh I'm just getting ready to get off at the next stop." I made an obvious dash for the doors, only to have them shut coldly into my face. Me not knowing how to yell at the driver, just stood there awkwardly knowing that EVERYONE on the bus was aware that I had missed my stop.

Well, I figured I would just get off at the next stop and walk back a bit.. right?


We drove for like 15 minutes. So basically I backtracked forever. Only to realize... the book store wasn't at the "8th stop" like I thought it was. I had unintentionally gotten off at the right stop.

So I just went to Starbucks.

That's not the end of the story. Don't you worry.

As I was walking along, enjoying the view (I discovered pathways with trees!) I heard someone saying "Nihao! Hi! Nihao!" and just thought "Agh whyyyyyyy" but turned around and said "Nihao". Of course the conversation didn't end there. The man continued to talk to me in Chinese. I have no idea what he was saying. It didn't even sound Chinese. It sounded like... I dunno. Something equally as horrible. I did hear him say the word for friend, but besides that is anyone's guess. He continued to try and have a conversation with me, so I told him I was American. Actually, I wish I told him that. I told him I was America. And that, instead of studying at the University, I was studying the university. I then told him "我的汉语不好“, ("My Chinese is not good") and he just smiled, and said some other sentence with the word "朋友“ "friend" in it.... and then he asked me where I was going. I figured that, since even in America it's not good to tell strangers where you live/where you're going/ your social security number, I just told him "I don't know" in Chinese. He nodded (YEA THAT'S RIGHT I'M NOT STUPID YOU CHINESE DUDEMAN) and I said bye in Chinese... then I awkwardly sped walked ahead cause we were basically going in the same direction.

I've recently figured out that google will tell you what bus to take, and the number of stops. So the next time I go, hopefully I will get my CD. Also, hopefully I will remember to add "ren" to "Meigou" so I can tell people I'm American and not America.

That's enough ranting and raving for now. And don't you worry, I was/am listening/watching Super Junior music videos on youtube as I wrote/write/edit this entire post.

THAT'S CHINESE AT THE BOTTOM. It means "perfect".

Have fun with your life and stuffs peoples. Until next time.

P.S. My birthday was this past weekend (December 3rd) and it was pretty sweet. I also managed to watch Scott Pilgrim vs. the World into my birthday.

I seriously love this movie. Even if the people I was watching it with thought it was weird. I'm glad they're friends with me enough to watch it with me regardless.

P.P.S. The title of this post is taken from a Super Junior song.

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