Tuesday, November 1, 2011

That time I met my Soulmate

This is meant to fill the void of a comic I drew. This was taken December 3rd, 2010.
Alright. So, for those of you who don't know, I own a pair of Heelys. The shoes with the wheels in them. No, they're not for children. Yes, you can buy Adult Heelys. No they don't just come in the lame runner shoe model. Yes, you can get them online. Quit asking me where I got them when THE INTERNET exists. Google it.

I would tell you why I got them, but that involves a youtuber you may or may not know of, whose name may or may not rhyme with Robuscus. I never knew adult Heelys for adults existed until I started following his channel... so there. There's the boring story.


I have never, ever, ever ever ever met another person (by person I mean older than 12) who was also wearing heelies. (One of my friends had heelies, but unfortunately he lost the wheels to his, so that dream of heelying about Houghton Campus was quickly thrust deep into the bowels of the earth, straight into the gates of hell).

I will now tell you the story of how I met my potential soulmate/BFFL, and let the oppurtunity crumble through my fingers like the grains of sand that make up our very lives.

It was just like any other night at the apartment. I was just finishing up my homework for Grammar class, when I called Kelsey to see what she was doing for dinner. She informed me that her and Guiliani were both in the mood to eat out at a Korean restaurant down the street, and I told her I would also be up for that. We decided to meet up outside the gate by the International Dorm. Gathering my things in my Totoro backpack, I set off for the elevator (Well in all honesty I was wearing my Heelys, so really I wheeled off).

I pressed the down arrow for the elevator then waited a moment as the elevator stopped at a floor above. As the elevator reached my floor, the doors opened up to reveal a Chinese dudeman, about my age/height on the elevator, with his bike. I saw him kind of look at me, and that entire week people kept looking at me because of my height and I was prepared to tell him I normally wasn't that tall and it was just my Heelys that made me 6 feet tall, but I stopped myself, because he probably didn't know English and if he did I would sound like a crazy person.

Well the elevator finally reached the first floor, and I stepped out first. There being a slight slope outside the entrance to the building, I took the chance to gain some speed and Heely-ed down it. I heard the guy get on his bike and I saw from my periphs that he was about to pass me, when I saw him stop and say something to me. I turned and said "What?" and he pointed at my shoes and said "Heelies". This made me happy. But to tell you the truth, what happened next is probably one of the top 5 coolest things that has ever happened in my life (I don't know what the other four are, but seeing Muse live is one of them, and toboganning down the Great Wall is another).

He proceeded to lift his left shoe, and there, on the heel of his shoe, was a wheel.

He was wearing Heelies.

Then he heelied, with his bike. He was heelying alongside his bike.

I think I was freaking out, but I honestly don't know.

We then began to share where we purchased our respective Heely's. He order his from taobao.com (the Chinese equivalent of eBay) and I told him I got mine from Zappos. He then said something like "American shoe!" and I nodded. Then we just awkwardly stood there, neither of us sure what to say next. Plus I had to meet my friends still. So we departed and he said "Bye!" and I said "Nice meeting you!" But just as those words fell from my mouth, onto the pavement below, it hit me.

How can you MEET someone when you never TOLD THEM YOUR NAME.


If my life was, say a French romantic comedy movie, then I could just leave signs up, asking for the guys name. But 1) my life's not a movie, 2) there are 12 floors above my own, and that's a lot of paper, 3) he might have been visiting someone so he may or may not live here and d) what if he has a girlfriend and my asking his name might be considered creepy in Chinese culture?

So days passed. Seasons changed. Until, five days later, when I had given up all hope....

My and Guiliani were taking the elevator down to go eat lunch, and as we got off the elevator, a boy with his bicycle was waiting to get on.


like an IDIOT

I didn't say anything.

As we were walking away, I cried out to the sky, asking why I was so inept at communicating with other homo sapiens. Then Guiliani mentioned we would be able to find out where he lived if we ran back to see what floor he got off at.

He lives on seventh floor.

Currently, I'm on the sixth floor.

Will we meet again? Who knows.

But that's the story of how I met Heely Boy.

So have fun with your life and stuff.


  1. Was he cute?


  2. Well... I don't want to be mean... but maybe he has an awesome personality because he owns heelies?!
