Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'd rather fund piracy than Lady Gaga

This is not an exaggeration. Also, I drew this during my listening class. Ironic, yes?
................... I am going to be so confused when I come back to America.

In other news.

I finally caved in. I couldn't stand my hairstyle that was slowly morphing into David Bowie's hairstyle in Labyrinth.

That movie. Was weird. Is weird.

Thus, Guiliani, Kelsey and I asked Sukie to accompany us to the hairstylists, because none of us knew how to communicate in Chinese how we wanted our hair done.

(I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but female hairstylists are rare in the land of China.)

(Also, I don't feel comfortable having guys touch my hair)

( D: )

Well, three salons later we finally found a place. There was some European dudeman getting his nails done, and Taylor Swift was blasting over head. All in all it seemed promising. [On a sidenote, I'm pretty sure the amount of time it took for all the hairstylists there to style their hair that morning was far greater then the amount of time I've spent on my hair. Ever.]

In case Sukie, our Chinese friend, wasn't able to describe how I wanted my hair cut, I provided my stylist dudeman with a photo and said "Wo yao" (I want). He then proceeded to cut my hair. May I also add this man was a perfectionist. When I thought he had finally finished cutting my hair I thought it looked fine, but nope. He continued to stare at my hair, move the back of it to see how it moved, cut a little bit off, stared at it some more, snipped a bit there, read poetry, studied it some more, rocked out to "It's too late to apologize", cut some more....

You get the idea.

He then proceeded to hairspray it. In my mind I thought "hey, it's raining, he's probably just making sure it still looks good or whatever."


I looked like I just jumped out of an 80's music video when he was done with it. I didn't know my hair was capable of such volume. Once we got out of sight of the salon's front window, I quickly put my hood over my head, hoping the nest on top would settle down.

Crazy volume aside, it was one of the best haircuts I've ever received. Seeing as how it cost 35 kuai (less than 6 dollars) I plan on going back before I leave to get a trim.

Also, I met Heely Boy again today. It was awkward. But we're on a hello basis. So that's cool.

And I've also managed to befriend a small calico that lives outside the apartment. I've named it Xiăo-xiăo. "Xiăo" (pronounced 'shiao shiao') - 小 - means "small" in Chinese. He's really small and slightly dirty, but he's so cute and I feed it whenever I can. The guard who's usually at the entrance to the parking lot is also playing with him a lot.

Oh I should probably mention the title of my post.

I bought a Lady Gaga cd. Specifically a pirated Lady Gaga cd from some back room place in an electronics shop that used a door made out of cardboard to hide its stock from potential police dudemen. We didn't notice the door until we had been in there for 15 minutes. We figured they just lured foreigners there with movies, then killed them.

I'm still alive.

And I own a ton of movies.

Please customs, don't take my movies away from me.

Well, that's all for now. So have fun with your life and stuffs.

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