Sunday, February 5, 2012

I hate pennies. So. Much.

Since I've been back from China... I have no idea what to write about. But my friend Emily told me I should keep talking about reverse culture shock, and things I've noticed since I've been back.

So that's what this is.

An entire post. About my hatred for pennies.

Back in China, the only change they had (that I noticed. I shouldn't just be throwing claims around. Whoops.) was a ten cent coin, a 50 cent coin, and a coin worth one yuan. It was simple. Things weren't priced weird. Everything was even. You would normally have a lot of change, but I could easily use it for the bus. There was never any of this one cent business.

Being in America. I hate pennies. I hate em I hate em I hate em. I went to the Jube (this grocery store down the road from Houghton) and the woman at the register was about to hand me all of these pennies, but before she could drop those horrible demon coins in my hand I told her she could keep them. She seemed happy... but I knew

deep down inside

she was probably filled with so much rage.

I never noticed before... but personally, the idea of a penny is so pointless. It actually costs MORE to produce them than they are worth. Yet we keep MAKING THEM. WHY. Conspiracy? Is that what this is?

Are we really that concerned about getting our money's worth? I have so many worthless pennies in my wallet (actually, I currently have three currencies in my wallet which gets super confusing. all the time.) that I'm almost tempted to throw them away.

Maybe that's what I'll do.

Everytime I get a penny... I'll throw it away.



Or I'll just store them in a jar and take them to a bank. After three years of picking up pennies off the gross dirty ground, I will be 3 dollars richer probably. That's like, three songs on iTunes. Wow. Be jealous.

So next time you see a penny. Throw it away. Maybe we can start a trend, and the government will realize how pointless and stupid the penny is (sorry Lincoln).

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahaaa....but still, as your friend, I feel empathy for you...even though I'm laughing at your hatred of the penny. If you want, you can save them & give them to me. I'm saving all my pennies so I can buy a coat before I leave the country.

    Oh but hey, another thought -- if pennies cost more to make than they're worth, then what the heck is it supposed to mean if you're a "penny pincher" or if "a penny saved is a penny earned"?!?!?

    I feel like there's definitely a hidden slight/conspiracy here...
