Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Blog!

Hey guys! Just wanted to keep you updated that I have started yet another blog.

Granted, I'm not a fan of having three blogs now, but that blog will be chronicling any/all adventures/mishaps that occur before and during my Mission Year in Chicago (which I'm so excited about. You have no idea.).

I'll still be posting on this blog every once in a while, don't you worry (I'll just be doing it far less frequently). The other two blogs I have [Wym (poetry) and Utterly Changed into Fire (Mission Year)] are about specific subjects and should be taken slightly more seriously. I originally created this blog to record my adventures in China, but then it turned into my "let's see what random things I can rant about" blog, hence the title.

Have fun with your life and stuff people. Until next time.

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