Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Graduate they said. It will be fun they said.

Here are some things you should know about me presently:

1) Whenever I have to kill an insect, I wish the main theme from Skyrim would play in real life, and not just in my head.

2) I have no idea why I still use FireFox when it crashes on me constantly. I don't even have that many windows open. I have 3 tabs, FireFox. That's not even a lot. T_T

3) I still need to unpack. Which is difficult when, well, there's no where to put anything. It would probably help if I didn't have a bajillion books, but what can you do man. Sell them. Which is what I'm doing on Amazon currently.

4) There is an Asian food market 30 minutes from my house. I need to visit it in the hopes of getting somewhat authentic pre-heatable jaozi or baozi. However, because I have no money, I simply cry every night.

5) It boggles my mind when guys don't flush the toilet after they pee. I mean, you're staring at it. You are literally staring at your pee. How can you not remember to flush. It's not like the toilet requires a human sacrifice before flushing.

6) Usually, I don't ever remember my dreams. Now, I've been having some pretty trippy dreams. Like last night, I dreamt I was back at Houghton, but me and someone else (she kept morphing into each of my friends, so it was kind of confusing) found this secret passageway to another world similar to the world in Shadow of the Colossus, and met a girl with a giant pet lizard dragon (It was more lizard than it was dragon. If you had my dream you'd understand.) who was the guardian of that world, and we swore to never tell anyone about that place.

7) I wish people would quit asking me what I'm doing now. I basically sit at home in my sweatpants and a crappy t-shirt all day playing video games, watching television, drinking tea, watching K-Pop music videos, and trying to find jobs that won't kill me out of boredom.

I'm tempted to start answering their stupid question like this:

Example A
Person: So what are you doing now?
Me: I just woke up from a very long comatose state, and defeated a computer mainframe with the help of a gun that can create two portals.
Person: ...?
Me: Don't worry. Wheatley's in space now. Humanity is safe.

Example B:
Person: So how's life now that college is over?
Me: I'm now apparently a Dragonborn and recently defeated a frost troll on my way to the Greybeards.
Person: ... Really.
Me: Yea. Lydia was no help, but she's basically my pack mule and carries all the crap I find and hope to later sell. Maybe.

Example C:
Person: So have you found a job yet?
Me: I've created a crack in my wall in the hopes that the Doctor will find me. He will. HE EXISTS.

Maybe people will believe me.

I'll make them believe me.

Although to be honest I'm contemplating making Example C into a real life occurrence.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Goodbyes are the Worst

I hate saying goodbye. After commencement at Houghton College, I was stuck in this state of not knowing whether or not I should say goodbye, or just run as far as I could into the woods where I would never have to say goodbye to anyone ever again.

When I said bye to my study abroad group in China, I thought those would be the worst goodbyes I would ever have to give.

I was wrong.

There are no words I could use to describe the people I've met over the past four years, and you've all changed me in one way or another for the better, and I will miss all of you. Really.

Instead of blabbering on, I thought it'd be better to illustrate the past four years with pictures that appropriately capture my past four years at Houghton. Granted, not every moment with Houghton peoples was photographed, but these are some awesome moments / awesome people.

Sondra telling me the National Anthem was playing from my computer.

So freshman year, there were these girls in Lambein who made a "Hot Guy Wall", and I thought it was the stupidest thing in the world.  To retaliate, 3rd New made a "Hot Girl Wall", complete with super attractive photos of everyone who lived on our floor, as well as some of our friends.

Posing with our advent calendar we actually completely abandoned sometime after Dec. 5.

We had an alien party, and Signs may or may not have been involved.

Ryan went through a weird phase. And by that I mean he was acting like himself.

Rach and I censored the ANTM lounge reservation picture.

For said final we pulled an all nighter for, I slept 15 minutes during it,
managed to be the first one done, and still got an A.

I made an entire album on Facebook devoted to these horrible things. Blegh.

The dance party we had that resulted in us getting 2 complaints and a security guard to shut us down.

April Fool's Day freshman year. That's Rachel's bed.
I found a dead bat while cleaning, and asked Kate and Eva for a box to bury it in. Chelsea was there for moral support.

Highlander, pre-college. Agh.

: )

My friend Evan was the editor for the Drawing Board at Houghton, and I won the contest the DB had last year but unfortunately the sketches of myself (or whatever it is I would have won) were lost. So instead he creepily drew what I was wearing that Monday for a presentation in our class and decided not to tell me I was going to be the header for the Drawing Board on Thursday. I found out through Facebook, and had a major freak out moment.

I will miss this.

Last year I was always walking in on my house mates doing weird things. Here, they are working out to Richard Simmons.

This photo deserves a long caption. Here's what I wrote on Facebook:
"Funny story. So that dude, Tyler comes up and starts asking if we bought any CD's from his band, Rookie of the Year. We told him we were an hour late, and missed it. We continued to chat, Em Sach made up a handshake with him, I thumb wrestled him, and Lindsey and Em bought a CD from him. We asked him what his booking agent was, and he said he didn't know. He also told us we could check out his band's MySpace page, but he rarely visited it, but we could just go on his instead. So we got a picture with him. Well, later in the car, Emily Sacher opens up the newest CD, looks at the page with the band members, and Tyler is not there. He is not in the band. He was just a salesperson, and we felt like morons afterwards. I was up for driving back and punching his face in... but the plan didn't fall through."

No shave November. I believe Emma never realized I upgraded her poster of Beckham.

I drove all the way to NYC from Houghton for a concert I supposedly won a ticket for. Long story short, I was part of a mob and this is the only picture I managed to get of Matthew Bellamy.

Quidditch World Cup IV in NYC
A girl on our floor freshman year kept clogging the toilets with toilet paper. By clogging, I mean she used a roll and a half, and the toilet would be stuffed to the brim with toilet paper. We didn't understand why, and we all knew it was her. The creepy thing is, I don't think she realized SHE was doing it.

Now I'm going to go back to drowning out my sorrows with Dead Island, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect 2, Portal 2, and a bajillion other games on my PS3.

It sucks not living with your friends anymore.