Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So... did I manage to write a novel in November?

As you may recall, last month I was aiming to write a 50,000 word novel. Did I accomplish that goal?



-the first two weeks I had no power/internet because of Sandy.

-I was working two jobs halfway through November. I quit Papa John's because I hated it and realized I will never again work for a large corporation. Independently owned businesses are the way to go people.

-I reached a breakthrough in the plot, but my computer crashed. Ironically, it crashed when I was laughing maniacally to myself, but the contents of that story are for my ears and my ears only.

-People said not to go back and edit... but I had to, for plot's sake. There were massive plot holes already, and my characters needed a better sense of direction.... so I had to edit this whole section involving a tunnel city out. I also had to take out a dragon... but I'll put him in as something different. Although he'll probably be evil... but that's still better than nothing, right? I also changed the setting a couple thousand words in which was... fun. So. Much. Fun. o_0

-I had this horrible sinus infection. I couldn't breathe through my nose at all, and got a horrible few nights sleep because of it and then I had this horrible headache that lasted a few days after that and I slept a lot basically.

-One of my co-workers lent me season six of Buffy, which is by far the best season. I couldn't stop watching it. I finished it in three days, and that's three days when I was working half that time.

Artist of this can be found here
-I suddenly remembered that time I bought Devil May Cry 4 back in October, and I didn't manage to progress further than Mission 1. I'm now proud to announce I recently beat the game, and am kind of confused as to why they're not continuing with Nero's storyline in DmC 5. Speaking from a writer's perspective, there's still a lot of potential. They didn't burn out all their resources. Also, I wish white haired demon hunters existed in real life. I mean look at that picture. LOOK AT IT. ARE YOU LOOKING AT IT.

Granted, I've only written 7,910/50,000 words. But you know what? That's way more than I would have ever written to begin with. I know that even though NaNo is over, and I didn't win, I at least got started on a story that I definitely want to finish (I'm already envisioning how it's all going to end... which isn't good cause I need that middle stuff too.)

I don't want to give away too much, because I don't like telling people about stories in my head that aren't fully formed, but it's almost like Alice in Wonderland, only completely different. What's been the real pain are the characters. Everytime I write a new character in, I feel like something's missing, until two days later when I realize what it is and have to change it. Oh, the pains of writing.


Also, just to remind you I've started fund raising for Mission Year, and the super cool thing about the month of December is that Mission Year will match whatever I make this month up to $2,000! Which is super awesome man! You can help support me by:
1. Going to be Etsy store and buying something. Everything goes directly to Mission Year. Can I afford to do it? For now I've had no problem, because people have been super awesome and have donated a ton of stuff to help me out. Access it by clicking here.
2. Or if you feel like donated directly to me, go to www.missionyear.org, go to the link that says "donate" and be sure to select my name from the drop box. It's not in alphabetical order, so it's sort of a pain, but it's near the top if that helps at all :)

Sorry for the long post, and the lack of posting lately. I've been super busy with a lot of things lately, so it might be a while until I post again. So have fun with your life and stuff until then people.

<3 Brittany